












Hi everyone! Welcome to E-mail Picks.
It's Kyota here and today I have a pretty

simple situation for you. I'd like to
write an e-mail to my colleague, Hanna, who

works at our overseas office. She was on
maternity and child care leave for about

a year and a half, and I heard that she
was coming back today, so I'd like to

write an e-mail to welcome her back. Now
I'm going to be working closely with her

and we're going to have a teleconference
soon, so I'll be able to catch up with

her then.
So in this e-mail, I'm just gonna casually

express my happiness for having her back,
and maybe ask her to send us some

pictures of her child. Now, I don't know
if her address has changed or not, but I

know only one address, so let's hope this
e-mail will get to her. Anyway here goes:

Dear Hannah,
welcome back! I'm hoping that this is

still your address and that this e-mail
won't bounce back. It feels like things

are finally back to normal now that
you've returned. Let's catch up in our

next teleconference, and you have to show
off some pictures of your child to us.

OK, so like I did in the second

sentence, when you're not sure if the
other person's e-mail address is still

active or not, you write something like
"I'm hoping that this is still your

address and that this email won't bounce
back." The next sentence "it feels like

things are finally back to normal" is
another way to say we missed you.

And finally, I requested that she send
her child's photos to the Japan office.

So there you go, a "welcome back" e-mail to
a new working mother. So think about what

you would write the next time you have a
colleague who goes on a leave. That's it for

today, thank you for watching and I'll
see you later.


