






  • ▼ 本当は参加したかったことを先方に理解してもらう
  • ▼ イベント当日に予定があることを伝える
  • ▼イベントの成功を祈っている旨を伝える







Hello everyone. Welcome to E-mail Picks I'm

your presenter Kyota and today I'd like

to show you an e-mail I got from my

client Robert, and also show you the

reply i'm going to write to him. So

here's the e-mail i got. Dear Kyota,

Greetings to you and your coworkers. I

would like to inform you that Drive Tech

is holding its 45th anniversary party at

our offices on April twenty-eighth at

7pm. We would truly appreciate it if you

could come join us. Please let us know if

you can attend, Best regards Robert Rigby

So my client is asking if I can join

their event. Now I'm very very happy that

I was invited but I'm going on vacation

that week. Well I'm going to Hawaii. But

anyway, in my reply, I need to communicate

three things. Well number one is: I want

Robert to understand that I really,

really wanted to go. Number two: I want to

tell him that I already have plans and

number three: I want to wish for the

success of their event. Now we're very

close to each other - Robert and I. We call

each other Robert and Kyota, but I'm

writing an e-mail to a person outside my

company. It's an external e-mail, so I need

to write a slightly formal e-mail. so

Here's what I'm going to write. Dear Robert,

Thank you for your kind invitation. I

would very, very much like to be a part

of the event, however, I will be out of

town for the whole week starting next

Monday. I appreciate your thinking of me

and best wishes for an enjoyable and

successful anniversary party. Please let

me know how the event turns out. Best

regards Kyota. OK so I think I expressed

my thankfulness by writing "I would very

very much like to be a part of

the event" and I also wrote "I appreciate

your thinking of me" And I didn't want to

sound like I'm saying "I'm going on

vacation! I'm going to Hawaii and you are

not! Haha good bye!" No, I don't want to say

that. So instead, I wrote: "I will be out of

town" because that's enough information.

And finally, I wrote "Best wishes for an

enjoyable and successful anniversary

party" "Please let me know how the event

turns out" so I'm showing that I care

about their anniversary. OK, so I'm

going to send this e-mail to Robert. And I

really did want to go, but, well, nothing

beats a trip to Hawaii. So that's it for

today. Thank you for watching and see you

next time.


