Tip 95 ”Come to think of it,…” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第95弾は、”Come to think of it,…” です。


“Our costs for this month seem very low.”

“Hmm…, I didn’t include our printing costs.”

こんな場面では、”Come to think of it,…” を使って、

“Come to think of it, I didn’t include our printing costs.”


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's phrase is
come to think of it.

OK, we see a lot of simple words
but when we put them together,

what does it mean?
Well, let's find out.

But first, we will do our little test.
So, ask me a question with this:

Is it just me or...?
Do you remember we learned this?

Is it just me or is it really hot in this room?
Is it just me or is it really noisy in the back?

Something like this.
OK, I hope you got that.

Let's go on to today's phrase.
Come to think of it. OK.

So, here's what I often hear.
OK. So imagine I'm talking to Taro,

and you know, I'm looking at, you know the
financial figures. Maybe the profit and loss statement.

And I see, woah Taro our costs
for this month seem very low.

And Taro says,
Hmmm... ah, I didn't include our printing costs.

OK. OK, you didn't include the printing cost.
That's fine.

OK, so he made a mistake and
that's why the costs are low.

But the problem here is,
he's going hmmm...

and he's thinking and during this time,
you know, I'm a little bit confused.

Uh, what is he doing? You know,
he's just hmmm...

Now, what could we say during this time?
When he's saying hmmm,

he's actually trying to think
if he had forgotten anything right?

So, we say this.

So, our costs for this month seem very low.
And he can say,

yeah come to think of it,
I didn't include our printing costs.

Then it's really natural OK.
So, it means now that I'm thinking about it,

and I just remembered,
I didn't include our printing costs.

Come to think of it. It's a really natural phrase
that we use in this kind of situation.

When you're kind of thinking,
you need time to think

about something in the past.
Come to think of it, yeah.

OK. So let's look at pronunciation.
OK, it's come ta thinkofit with a pause.

Come ta thinkofit, I didn't think I,
I don't think I included

or I don't thinkI includedour printing costs.
I don't thinkI includedour printing costs.

OK, so you try. Come ta thinkofit,
I don't thinkI includedour printing costs.

OK. Let's try it with my question.
So, our costs for this month seem seem very low.

OK. Were you able to get that?
If not, practice it a few more times

it's kind of a long phrase. OK.
Come to think of it.

OK. So for homework,
next time I'm going to say,

Our costs seem very low this month.
And you just say,

Oh come to think of it,
I didn't include our printing costs.

OK. It's good to kind of look up in the air
when you say this cause you're thinking. Come to think of it. OK.

All right, we'll see you in the next lesson.
Thank you.


