Tip 85 ”compare apples to oranges” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第85弾は、”compare apples to oranges” です。



“How does working here compare to working at your previous company?”

“It is difficult to compare because it is different.”

比較できない二つのものを “apples” と “oranges” で表現して、

“It’s like comparing apples to oranges.”



Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's phrase is kind of a cool one.
It's compare apples to oranges.

You know what apples are,
you know what oranges are.

What does that mean? Compare the two,
apples and oranges. Let's find out what does this means.

But first, our test.
OK, I'm gonna say goodbye to you

because I'm leaving or
you're leaving the company.

And I say,
I enjoyed working with you.

And you say...

I hope our paths cross again someday.

Were you able to say that?
Great goodbye phrase.

OK. Let's go on to today's phrase.
Compare apples to oranges.

What does this mean?
Well think about it.

You know what an apple is.
You know what an orange is.

They're very different right? They taste different, they look
different, their colors are different, they smell different.

They're completely different. So it's very
difficult to compare the two.

Apple and an orange. Which do you like better?
Which, which tastes better?

They're completely different yeah.If you compare a good apple
and a bad apple, it's easy to compare OK.

But not apples to oranges.
OK, so here's what I often hear.

So if I say, you know, let's imagine Taro
has just joined our company.

New employee. He's joined our company.
And I say,

Taro, how does working here
compare to working at your previous company?

You know, this company and your previous company.
How, how do you compare the two?

And he says, yeah, it's difficult to compare
because it is different.

You know Taro was, is a manager now,
but he wasn't a manager in the previous company.

You know. Or he was in the marketing
department before. But now, he's is in

the sales department.
So they're completely different.

But the sentence is a little bit unnatural.
It's difficult to compare because it is different.

I don't know, it doesn't sound so good.
OK, not very smooth.

So what you could say to express this
is this.

So, how does working here compare to
working at your previous company?

Hmm it's like comparing apples to oranges.

Oh right, I guess you can't compare the two.
They're completely different.

Isn't that a great phrase? Comparing apples
to oranges. You can't compare yeah.

OK, so let's look at pronunciation.
It's like

comparing apples ta oranges.
It's like comparing apples ta oranges.

It's like comparing apples ta oranges.
You try.

OK with my question. How does working here
compare to working at your previous company?

OK. Were you able to get that?
OK. For homework,

what's another example of comparing apples to oranges?
OK, I want you to think about it.

The two different things, but people
often try to compare.

Like your mom and your dad you know.
Or who do you like better, your brother or your sister?

It's like comparing apples to oranges. They're completely different
You can't compare the two.

OK, so think of another example
for the next lesson. OK, thank you.


