Tip 84 “I hope our paths cross again someday.” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第84弾は、”I hope our paths cross again someday.” です。



“I really enjoyed working with you.” 「あなたと一緒に仕事ができて本当によかったよ。」

“Yes, I am looking forward to working with you or seeing you in the future.”

“look forward to ~”「~を楽しみにする」 というフレーズは日本人にも馴染み深く、
しかしながら、”look forward to” は、既に予定されていること、決まったことに対して使う表現ですので、


“I hope our paths cross again someday.”


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases
video lesson for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's phrase is
I hope our paths cross again someday.

It's a little bit long, great phrase. I hope our paths
paths cross again someday.

What does it mean?
We will find out.

But first, let's do our test.
When it comes to your work, what's really important?

Time management?

Customer service? What's important?
OK, I hope you gave me a good answer.

OK. So let's go on to today's phrase.
I hope our paths cross again someday.

This is a great phrase when you're saying good bye
to someone.

Forever. Not forever, but if they're
leaving your company OK. They're changing jobs.

Or being transferred overseas or something.
You're not gonna see them for a long time.

You could use this phrase. Here's what it means.
Here's what I often hear.

OK. So if I, imagine Taro is leaving,
he's changing jobs. He's going to different company

and I'm really sad.
And I say, you know Taro,

I really enjoyed working with you.
Really enjoyed working with you, Taro.

And Taro says, ah yes, I am looking forward
to working with you or seeing you in the future.

Maybe. Hmmm.
OK. Grammatically it's OK, but the problem is,

I'm looking forward to working with you,
that, that has a meaning of

we already have a plan to work together
in the future yeah.

So, maybe he's changed his company
And I'm going to join him, so we already have this

plan to work together again. So, yes
I'm looking forward to working with you

Or seeing you in the future. It's it's really strange
because there is no plan. He's leaving, yeah. OK.

So, something natural to say is this. So if I say,
I really enjoyed working with you, Taro.

You can just say, yeah
I hope our paths cross again someday.

It's great. It means I hope that you know,
where you're going and where I'm going,

we have a chance to meet again.
Our paths cross, yeah.

Such a great natural phrase,
when you're saying good bye to someone.

OK. So let's practice pronunciation.
I hopeour, I hopeour paths

crossagain someday.
I hopeour paths crossagain someday. You try.

OK with my sentence.
I really enjoyed working with you.

OK. Were you able to get that?
OK. So for homework,

next time we meet, I'm going to say,
I really enjoyed working with you.

And you say, yeah, I hope our paths cross
again someday. Great good bye phrase.

OK. So we'll see you in the next lesson.
Thank you.


