Tip 82 ”I’m counting on you.” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第82弾は、”I’m counting on you.” です。



“I’m going to make my proposal to our big client.”

“I expect your performance.”


“I’m counting on you.”


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's sentence or phrase is
I'm counting on you.

What is counting? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. It's a little different
from that counting. OK, so let's find out today.

OK, so let's do our usual test.
First, I'm gonna speak Japanese.

Konichiwa. Kyowa iiotenkidesune.

You should say,
wow, your Japanese has come a long way.

OK, has improved a lot.
Were you able to say that?

I hope so. OK next time,
someone uses Japanese in your in your department,

a non-Japanese person uses Japanese
in your department, you could say that.

Wow, your Japanese has come a long way.
It could be used with any skill.

Wow, you computer skills has come a long way.
Or even you have come a long way.

Which means over you have developed,
over all yeah.

OK. So let's go on to today's phrase.
I'm counting on you.

What does this mean?
Well here's what I often hear.

So imagine, Taro is my boss, my boss.
And I say, Taro, I'm going to make my proposal

to our big client. I'm going to our big client's office.
I'm making, I'm gonna make my proposal.

And he says,
hmm OK, I expect your performance.

And I'm gonna be puzzled, what?
Sorry, does that mean,

is that a good thing or a bad thing?
What are you saying? Is it like good luck?

OK, I expect your performance.
Oh OK. I think he's trying to be positive.

I think Taro is trying to be positive saying
Yes, I have very high expectations from you.

I trust that you can do a good job yeah.
But it doesn't sound like that at all.

It's just confusing to be honest.
I expect your performance.

It almost sounds like an order or something.
OK, so let's look at more natural style,

which is this. So if I say you know,
I'm going to make my proposal to our big client.

And he says,
OK, I'm counting on you.

Wow, OK you could count on me Taro.
I'll do my best.

Great phrase.


