Tip 51 ”inevitable” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第51弾は、”inevitable” です。



“I’ve just heard that we lost the big contract.” 「大きな契約を逃したと聞きました。」


“Yes, we can’t avoid this one.”
などと、”avoid” をよく使う傾向があります。


こんなときは “inevitable” = 「避けられない」という意味のワードをつかって

“Yes, it’s inevitable.”

ぜひ自然と “inevitable” が口にでてくるよう練習してみてください!

Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's word is inevitable.
This is a great one.

The Japanese love this word.

OK, maybe you don't know it but once you know it,
you'll use it all the time. Trust me. OK.

But first, let's do our usual test.
OK, so if I say...

We're having a long meeting and I'm tired.
Everyone's tired and I say shall we move on to the next point?

You say?

Let's call it a day.
Did you get that? I hope so.

OK, well let's go on to today's word, inevitable.

It's a little bit difficult to pronounce,
but it's a really good useful phrase,

because this is what I often hear.
OK, so I'm talking to Taro and he's my colleague or my boss.

OK, and I say, oh Taro,
I've just heard that we lost the big contract.

There's that big contract. We lost it.
And Taro says something like...

Yes, we can't avoid this one.
We did our best.

Yeah and the Japanese translation would be like shouganai.
Mah, Hika, it's shouganai.

We can't avoid this one. We did our best.
Great, I love shouganai. I hear it all the time,

but when you translate it into English,
many people will say this, yes, we can't avoid this one,

or it is unavoidable situation.
It doesn't sound very natural.

Instead you use inevitable like this.
So if I say, yeah Taro, I've just heard we lost the big contract.

And Taro can say, yes, it's inevitable.
We did our best.

Yes, it's inevitable. We did our best.
Inevitable, OK. So let's look at pronunciation.

It's yes with a pause and we put those together. It'sinevitable.
It'sinevitable. Yes, it'sinevitable. You try.

One more time,
Yes, it'sinevitable.

OK, let's try it with my phrase.
I've just heard that we lost the big contract.

Yeah, I guess we did our best.
Nothing we can do.

OK, I hope you were able to get that.
OK now for homework,

I want you to tell me something bad that happened
that was inevitable, OK.

You couldn't avoid it.
It was shouganai.

So tell me something bad that happened that was inevitable.
And use this in your workplace.

Next time, you know, in a situation similar to today.
You could say, well it's inevitable, you did your best.

Or we did our best. OK we'll see you in the next lesson.
Thank you.


