Tip 46 ”by the book” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第46弾は、”by the book” です。




“Is it OK to skip this step?” 「このステップを飛ばして進めてもいいですか?」

“No, you must follow the rule every time.”
“must” をつかうと相手に強く命令している印象を与えてしまいます。

こんな時には、”by the book” = 「規則(マニュアル)に従って」 という意味のイディオムをつかって、

“Please do everything by the book.”

Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's idiom is by the book.
Like a book, by the book.

What does it mean?
Let's find out.

But first, let's do our usual test.
So, what is such a hassle for you to do?

Remember we learned it. It's not a good word,
hassle, but what is a hassle for you to do?

You find inconvenient, difficult to do.
And I said, taking the train to work every day, OK.

Folding the news paper on the train, you know that's why
everyone has this tablet's that they could just do this much easier.

OK, anyway I hope you came up with a good example.
Now let's look at today's idiom, by the book.

What does it mean?
Well, this is what I often hear.

If I say, you know Taro, is it OK to skip this step?
You know say we're doing some kind of project or process,

and there's step one, step two, step three,
and I think step three is unnecessary.

And I say Taro, is it OK to skip this step? Yeah, I don't want to.
It's such a hassle to do it, I want to skip it.

And Taro says, No, no no,
you must follow the rule every time.

OK, that must word is... Well it's one of those
really strong words that we don't like to hear so much,

especially with you, you must, you must follow the rule.
So Taro wants me to do this step.

He wants to do, he wants me to do all the steps every time.
OK, but you don't need to use must, OK don't be so...

Don't be a bully, OK.
So if I say, Taro, is it OK to skip this step?

He could say, no, no, no, please do everything by the book.
OK and that means please do everything by like the rule book,

or the manual.
Follow the manual, follow the rules, by the book.

OK, let's look at pronunciation.
So, please do everything bythe, bythe...

is kind of a put together.
Please do everything bythe book.

Please do everything by book.
You try.

One more time.
Please do everything by book.

OK, let's try it with my question now.
Taro, is it OK to skip this step?

OK, fair enough.
Yes, I'll do it by the book.

OK, just like that.
OK, so for homework, tell me what do you do by the book?

OK, sometimes it's OK to skip a step here and there
to take shortcuts but some things you've got to do by the book.

What do you do by the book?
I want to know. You tell me in the next lesson.

OK, Thank you.


