open to new ideas ってどういう意味?無料ビジネス英語学習 Tip 4

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第4弾は、“open to new ideas” です。

日本語で言うと、「新しいアイデアを受け入れてくれる」 といった意味になります。

例えば 「あなたの新しい上司はどうですか?」 と聞かれた際に、

“He has a flexible mind.”


“He’s open to new ideas”

Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases
video series for Japanese businesspeople. OK.

And today's phrase is open to new ideas.

But before we start, let's do our usual test.

Did you study at home? OK.

So tell me an idea that lacks feasibility.

Remember? A bad idea?

What's your idea?

Do you remember the example I gave?

So we can lower our prices not
fifty percent, not sixty percent

but a hundred and twenty percent,
which doesn't make sense, right?

OK, so what's your idea?


So, let's go on to today's phrase,
which is open to new ideas.

And I like these idioms that use short words,

and when you put them together, they sound really
natural, like this one. OK.

And the meaning is not very difficult.
It's actually a really simple meaning. Let me show you.

Ok, This is what I often hear.

So if I ask, you know, my friend, Taro.
I say, Taro, you have a new boss.

How's your new boss?
Nice guy? Is he good?

And Taro says,

Yeah, very good. He has a flexible mind.

Flexible mind?

I can understand what he wants to say.

You know, he doesn't have a hard mind.
It's very flexible,

but it sounds very strange.
We don't say that. OK.

What do we say?
Well, we use open to new ideas, like this.

So, if i ask how's your new boss?

Taro should say

Very good. He's open to new ideas.

Ah... it sounds much more natural.

You see that?

And how to pronounce it,
that's the key with these idioms. OK?

It's very good pause.

It's not he's open, but it's he'sopen.

It's not too, it's ta.

new ideas ... newideas.

Very good.

He's open to new ideas.

He's open to new ideas. Can you try?

OK? So, how's your new boss?

Perfect. OK.

So, for homework, tell me someone who's open to new ideas.

Your father? Your friend?
Your boss? Your colleague? Your president?

I don't know.

OK and we'll see you next time.
Thank you.


