“Here’s to…”の意味と使い方 Bizmatesビジネス英会話 Tip 250
Here’s to… ってどういう意味?
Here’s to… は「〜に乾杯!」や「〜を祝して、乾杯!」という意味です。結婚式、開会式、歓送迎会などの締めの言葉として、もしくは、サッと乾杯の音頭をとる時に使われます。
“Here’s to Taro’s bright future!” と言うと、他のイベント参加者も一斉にグラスを持ち上げて、同じフレーズを繰り返します。
Here’s to… ってどういう場面で使うの?
Subordinate: Could you make a toast?
You: Oh, OK… Here’s to Taro’s bright future!
部下: 乾杯の音頭をとってくれますか?
あなた: わかりました。・・・太郎さんの明るい未来に乾杯!
Here’s to… の自然な使い方を動画で学ぶ
こちらの動画で、発音や、会話の中での自然な使い方をBizmatesのプレゼンター Hikaが解説します。
Hey, everyone welcome to this Bizmates
Words & Phrases video series and today's phrase
is "here's to..."
Very simple... Simple but it's an important one
and every business person should know this phrase
beginner students, advanced students,
you got to know this one
because it's useful. Okay?
Here's the situation: "Here's to..."
Let's imagine that our colleague, Yoshi,
is leaving. Today is his last day
and we're having kind of a drinking party
to say goodbye to Yoshi -- a farewell party.
And before the party begins...
I asked Taro, I say: Taro, can you make a toast?
A speech. You know, a "kampai" speech.
And Taro is kind of... he's in a panic.
In English? I got to do this is English?
So he panics and he says:
Ah,... Good luck, Yoshi. Cheers.
Which is OK. It's OK but...
you know, maybe he can make
a little bit nicer of a speech.
And he could do that by using
"here's to..." It just sounds better, like this...
So I say: Taro, can you make a toast for Yoshi?
And Taro says: Yeah, okay...
Here's to Yoshi's bright future.
Beautiful. Perfect speech. Short, simple
and it sounds really natural. Here's to...
what's the celebration?
Here's to your birthday.
Here's to your retirement.
Here's to your promotion.
Here's to... something.
It's a very natural, simple... toast.
OK, so let's look at pronunciation
Here'sto... here'sto...
Yoshi's brigh'future.
Here'sto Yoshi's brigh'future.
You try.
Good, OK with my question:
Can you make a toast for Yoshi?
Perfect.... Good speech.
Just like that. OK so for homework
let's remember that. So if I say:
Taro, can you make a toast? You just say...
Not "ah, good luck Yoshi" but you say...
Here's to Yoshi's bright future.
Here's to your retirement.
Here's to your promotion. Just like that.
OK please remember this and
before I end this video, I have some news.
Now this is our 250th Words & Phrases video
and we have so many words and phrases now
I decided to actually stop making
the Words & Phrases videos.
OK, it's just there's so many now
and I'm running out of phrases and idioms
Justin and I are fighting for the best idioms
So I decided to stop making
the Words & Phrases videos
but I want to start a new video series
maybe with a different topic.
So I'm still thinking what that topic will be,
so give me a bit of a break
and then I'll come up with new video series, okay?
But I just want to say thank you so much
to all the viewers who've been watching these videos
and I remember the very first one that I did
and I started about 4 years ago... over 4 years ago
with the first one, "every now and then."
And you know, all these...
I used to wear casual clothes
I switched to a little bit more business casual now
But... you know, the first
the first like 200 videos we made,
we didn't have a studio at our office.
So we would rent a studio and
it's expensive to rent a studio in Japan.
So, we'd go to a recording studio, we rent it
we rented it and I couldn't make any mistakes.
So there are no retakes, no editing
and I would go bam, bam, bam, bam!
and I would make like 10, 20 in a row
OK and if I made a mistake, we wouldn't retake it
I would just try to hide the mistake
while speaking and continue.
So just because it was so expensive, we paid...
you know we had to pay per hour.
And now we do have our own studio so we could
spend a little bit more time -- edit, retake...
but, you know I just want to say thank you so much
to all of you who...
you know, especially watched from the very beginning
and continue to watch.
And I hope you go back and see the old videos as well.
So look forward to the new video series that's coming
and I hope I see you again.
So thank you everyone. Okay, goodbye.
Words & Phrases video series and today's phrase
is "here's to..."
Very simple... Simple but it's an important one
and every business person should know this phrase
beginner students, advanced students,
you got to know this one
because it's useful. Okay?
Here's the situation: "Here's to..."
Let's imagine that our colleague, Yoshi,
is leaving. Today is his last day
and we're having kind of a drinking party
to say goodbye to Yoshi -- a farewell party.
And before the party begins...
I asked Taro, I say: Taro, can you make a toast?
A speech. You know, a "kampai" speech.
And Taro is kind of... he's in a panic.
In English? I got to do this is English?
So he panics and he says:
Ah,... Good luck, Yoshi. Cheers.
Which is OK. It's OK but...
you know, maybe he can make
a little bit nicer of a speech.
And he could do that by using
"here's to..." It just sounds better, like this...
So I say: Taro, can you make a toast for Yoshi?
And Taro says: Yeah, okay...
Here's to Yoshi's bright future.
Beautiful. Perfect speech. Short, simple
and it sounds really natural. Here's to...
what's the celebration?
Here's to your birthday.
Here's to your retirement.
Here's to your promotion.
Here's to... something.
It's a very natural, simple... toast.
OK, so let's look at pronunciation
Here'sto... here'sto...
Yoshi's brigh'future.
Here'sto Yoshi's brigh'future.
You try.
Good, OK with my question:
Can you make a toast for Yoshi?
Perfect.... Good speech.
Just like that. OK so for homework
let's remember that. So if I say:
Taro, can you make a toast? You just say...
Not "ah, good luck Yoshi" but you say...
Here's to Yoshi's bright future.
Here's to your retirement.
Here's to your promotion. Just like that.
OK please remember this and
before I end this video, I have some news.
Now this is our 250th Words & Phrases video
and we have so many words and phrases now
I decided to actually stop making
the Words & Phrases videos.
OK, it's just there's so many now
and I'm running out of phrases and idioms
Justin and I are fighting for the best idioms
So I decided to stop making
the Words & Phrases videos
but I want to start a new video series
maybe with a different topic.
So I'm still thinking what that topic will be,
so give me a bit of a break
and then I'll come up with new video series, okay?
But I just want to say thank you so much
to all the viewers who've been watching these videos
and I remember the very first one that I did
and I started about 4 years ago... over 4 years ago
with the first one, "every now and then."
And you know, all these...
I used to wear casual clothes
I switched to a little bit more business casual now
But... you know, the first
the first like 200 videos we made,
we didn't have a studio at our office.
So we would rent a studio and
it's expensive to rent a studio in Japan.
So, we'd go to a recording studio, we rent it
we rented it and I couldn't make any mistakes.
So there are no retakes, no editing
and I would go bam, bam, bam, bam!
and I would make like 10, 20 in a row
OK and if I made a mistake, we wouldn't retake it
I would just try to hide the mistake
while speaking and continue.
So just because it was so expensive, we paid...
you know we had to pay per hour.
And now we do have our own studio so we could
spend a little bit more time -- edit, retake...
but, you know I just want to say thank you so much
to all of you who...
you know, especially watched from the very beginning
and continue to watch.
And I hope you go back and see the old videos as well.
So look forward to the new video series that's coming
and I hope I see you again.
So thank you everyone. Okay, goodbye.