“Make the most of it”の意味と使い方 Bizmatesビジネス英会話 Tip 243

Make the most of it ってどういう意味?

Make the most of it は 日本語で言う「最善を尽くす」「最大限がんばる」という意味です。


Make the most of it ってどういう場面で使うの?


そんな状況について上司と会話している時、以下のように”Make the most of it”を使います。

Thank you and HR for getting me a wonderful staff. I’ll make the most of it.

B: 優秀なスタッフを揃えてくださって、感謝します。最善を尽くします。


Make the most of it の自然な使い方を動画で学ぶ

こちらの動画で、発音や、会話の中での自然な使い方をBizmatesのプレゼンター Hikaが解説します。


Hey, everyone! Welcome to this Bizmates

Words and Phrases video series and

today's phrase is "make the most of it."

Make the most of it -- something. What does

this mean? We'll find out. Let's look at

what I sometimes hear: OK, so let's

imagine that I'm going to deliver a

presentation, and Taro is helping me

set up the presentation room

the projector, you know, the chairs, the tables

and I say:
Taro the room is too small.

I'm complaining. The room is too small!

We don't have enough chairs, it's too dark

there's no clock... so I'm complaining

about the situation. And Taro says:

Hika, Hika. Relax. And you know...

just try it or just do it.

You know, "ganbatte." You know, he's

trying to encourage me; says just do it.

OK, but you know I'm feeling very blue,

I'm sad, depressed and I'm... because the

situation is not good. The room's too

small, you know there's not enough chairs...

and he says do your best or just try it.

It doesn't make me feel so good, you

know. I want someone to understand my

feeling a little bit. OK, so instead of

just saying "just try it" or "just do it"

Taro can say this, so I say:

I can't make a presentation, the room's too

small, there're not enough chairs...
and he says:

Well, you know, just make the most of it.

OK, well this is a little bit better.

OK, "just make the most of it" means you

know, I I understand the situation is not

the best, but do your best, okay? Of course

you can't perform... you can't perform at

this level because the room is small,

there're not enough chairs, but

you know, do the most you can with the situation.

You know, so make the most of it.

OK, so it's a little bit more

encouraging. It shows that I understand

it's not a good situation, but do your

best, okay? Just make the most of it.

Let's look at pronunciation:
Well,... with a pause

and it's not jusT, but it's jus'

make the mostofit... mostofit.

It's like a V sound, most-ov-it... most ov it.

OK, one more time.
Well, just make the most of it. You try.

Good! OK, with my sentence:

The room is too small. There're not enough chairs.

OK, well alright. I'll do my best.

Thanks, Taro. Perfect. OK so for homework,

I want you to remember this, so you know

if someone says, you know "the room's too

small" and they're complaining, don't just

say "just try it" or "just do it" but you

can say "well, just make the most of it."

OK, please remember this and we'll see

you next time. Thank you.


