“It’s all Greek to me”の意味と使い方 Bizmatesビジネス英会話 Tip 242

It’s all Greek to me ってどういう意味?

It’s all Greek to me は “I don’t understand at all” や “I don’t get it” をちょっとひねった言い方です。日本語では「さっぱりわかりません」や「皆目見当つきません」という意味です。


It’s all Greek to me ってどういう場面で使うの?

相手が話す英語が速すぎたり、難しすぎたりして理解できなかった時は “I don’t understand, could you speak more slowly?” などと返しますよね。

でも英語の難易度の問題ではなく、技術的な用語が多すぎることが理解できない原因である場合、”it’s all Greek to me” と言います。


Hika: Did you understand his explanation?
Taro: No, it was all Greek to me.

Hika: 今の説明、わかりました?
Taro: いえ、さっぱりわかりませんでした。


It’s all Greek to me の自然な使い方を動画で学ぶ

こちらの動画で、It’s all Greek to me の発音や、会話の中での自然な使い方をBizmatesのプレゼンター Hikaが解説します。


Hey, everyone! Welcome to this Bizmates

Words and Phrases video series and

today's idiom is: "it's all Greek to me."

OK, do you know what Greek means?

Greek is a language; it's the language spoken

in the country, Greece. Okay? So you know

in the Mediterranean, beautiful country

very warm, nice beaches... I've actually

never been there before but I have a lot

of Greek friends who speak Greek. But

this idiom "it's all Greek to me." What

does it mean? Well we will find out, okay?

So let's look at what I sometimes hear.

So let's imagine my colleague, Taro, and I,

we just received an explanation of some

new computer system, you know, from the IT

department. So someone from IT

explained the new system to us, okay?

And it was really confusing, so I say:

Taro, did you understand his explanation?

And Taro says: No, I didn't understand anything.

Perfect! Perfect sentence.

"I didn't understand anything." OK, but just

to give it a little more... a natural sound,

okay, instead of "I didn't understand anything"

we can use our idiom like this --

so if I say: Taro, did you understand his

explanation? Did it make sense?

And Taro says:
No, it was all Greek to me.

Very natural! OK, Greek, it has this image of

being a really difficult language to

learn, so something that we don't

understand at all, we say "no, it's all

Greek to me" or in this case "it was all

Greek to me. I didn't understand anything."

OK, simple, simple idiom to use.

Something you don't understand, you can

say "it's all Greek to me."

Let's look at pronunciation so it's...
No, it wasall...

it wasall Greek to me.

No, it wasall Greek to me.
You try.

Good. With my sentence: So did you

understand his explanation?

Yeah, me too! It was all Greek to me.

Perfect. Okay, so for

homework, I want you to think of

something that is all Greek to you, okay?

So what is all Greek to you? Something that

makes no sense to you -- it could be

something like rocket science, you know,

is all Greek to me. I'm really bad with

numbers -- so finance, accounting... is all

Greek to me. It's a foreign language to me.

So think of something, okay and we

will see you next time. Thank you.


