Tip 207”a wake-up call” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第207弾は、”a wake-up call” です。


“I heard you were in the hospital. Are you OK? ”



“Yeah I realize that
I need to take better care of my health.”


“it was a wake-up call.
I need to take better care of my health.”


※It was a wake-up call.:「それで目が覚めたよ。」


Hi everyone.
Welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases video series.
And today's idiom is "a wake-up call"

now maybe you've heard of you know this idiom before,
a wake-up call.

Right? You go to a hotel and you want to
wake up early the next morning,

so you make a request to the front desk. And
they call you in the morning and wake you up,

a wake-up call. But it has another
meaning which I will introduce today.

OK but first let's do our test.
OK so I say to you,

you know I'm going to e-mail a long
complaint to HR to Human Resources. I'm not happy.

"I'm going to write a complaint"
and you say, "yeah Hika, Hika, relax."

That's right.

"It'll just add fuel to the fire.
You'll just make the situation worse. Don't do it."

OK, I hope you got that idiom. OK well,
let's go on to today's idiom.

It's a wake-up call. OK so let's imagine that
my colleague, Taro, my good friend
Taro was in the hospital for a few days.

OK. And he just came back to the office
so I say to Taro.

I heard you were in the hospital. Are you OK?

And Taro says
"yeah I realize that
I need to take better care of my health."

OK perfect sentence. Nothing's wrong with this

"I realize that I need to take better
care of my health."

Maybe I've been working too hard lately
so I need to sleep earlier, eat more healthy.
You know just be have a healthier life.

Perfect. OK but you know this I realize
you know there's not a lot of emotion in that word,

you know. We want to express a little bit of emotion like
yeah this is a big change in my life.

I can't believe I was in the hospital.
You know.

So if you want to express that part, a little more emotion,
you could say this. So I say Taro

I heard you were in the hospital. Are you okay?

And Taro says

"it was a wake-up call.
I need to take better care of my health."

OK much stronger, a wake-up call.

So his experience of going to the hospital,
being hospitalized, was a

wake-up call.

He..., it's a big change in his life. OK so
now he's going to take better care of his health.

So if you want to express that emotion.
Some like wow I realized something
I didn't know. That's a wake-up call.

OK it's a great idiom that you could
use in many situations.

Let's look at pronunciation.
So it's it was a it was a wake-up call.

I need to take better care of my health.

It was a wake-up call. I need to take
better care of my health.

You try. Good. OK with my sentence.

I heard you were in the hospital. Are you OK?
it was a wake-up call.

Perfect. OK so for homework, next time
I will say I heard you were in the hospital.
And you just say that's right

I need to take better care of my health.
OK please remember this and we'll see you next time.

Thank you


