Tip 204 ”a loose cannon” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第204弾は、”a loose cannon” です。


” You know, Taro, I’m kind of worried about this new president.”



“Yes he has no control.I don’t know what he’s going to do.”


“Yes, he’s a loose cannon.”


“loose” は「緩い」 ”cannon”は「大砲」
“a loose cannon”で「縄で縛られていない大砲」


Hello everyone welcome to this Bizmates
words and phrases video series and

today's idiom is
a loose cannon.

You know what a cannon is, right?
Like on a ship or on a tank.

You know that thing that goes...
shoots, you know, missiles.

Well if it's loose... whoa!

It's... you know, it could be dangerous
but we'll find out what this means.

But first let's do our test. OK, so we're
having trouble with a partner company

and I say:
Shall we continue doing business with this partner?

I don't know. And you say...

Very good. And you say it, you know, in an intelligent way.

Well, Hika, it's a question of trust.

OK and then it just sounds really nice.

OK, I hope you got that idiom.
Let's go on to today's idiom "a loose cannon."

ok so a cannon that's loose is very

you have no idea where it's going to shoot.

You know, you might shoot yourself.
So here's what I sometimes hear...

So let's imagine we have a new president
and I say:

You know, Taro, I'm kind of worried about this new president.

And Taro says:
Yes he has no control.

I don't know what he's going to do.

OK, this is a perfect sentence
He has no control.

He might cut this or cut that,
or close this or spend a lot of money here.

He has no control. So someone --
it's usually a person --

that has no control, and they might be a genius

but they might do something accidentally
to cause a lot of damage.

You know, that's a loose cannon.
So we could use that idiom like this.

So I say:
You know, Taro I'm worried about the new president.

I don't know what he's going to do.
And Taro says:

Yes, he's a loose cannon.

Very natural.
A loose cannon.

Someone who's going to... you know...
who's unpredictable. We can't guess

what this person is going to do. They
might do something that will damage,

do a lot of damage accidentally.

So let's look at pronunciation. It's
Yes, -- with a pause --

he'sa loose cannon.
Yes, he'sa loose cannon.

You could say that with a little, you
know, laughter

Yes, he is he's a loose cannon.
You try...

Good. OK, with my sentence:

You know, I'm worried about the new president.

Yeah he is, right?

OK, good. So for homework next time I'll
just say:

I'm worried about the new president.
And you say...

Yes, he's a loose cannon.

OK, please remember that
and we'll see you next time. Thank you.


