Tip 186 ”a foregone conclusion”無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第186弾は、”a foregone conclusion.” です。



“Taro, did you hear the big newsabout Takashi’s promotion?”


“I expected it.”


“That was a foregone conclusion.”



Hello and welcome to this Bizmates
words and phrases video series and

today's vocabulary is "a foregone conclusion."
These two words are often

used together -- a foregone conclusion. You know what conclusion is. OK, well what's a

foregone conclusion? We'll find out but
first let's do our test. OK so my boss

gives me some negative feedback
and I'm feeling blue. And I say:

You know my boss says my sales skills are weak.

What do you say? That's right!
Take it with a grain of salt.

He's not an expert either. OK, I hope you got that.
OK let's go on to today's vocabulary

a foregone conclusion

Now here's where I sometimes hear.
So let's imagine Taro and I are colleagues

and I say: Taro, did you hear the big news
about Takashi's promotion?

Takashi has been promoted to Senior Manager.
And Taro says:

But I expected it. It's no surprise. It was expected.
This is OK -- "I expected it"

I guess it's OK. It's not the most natural phrase

but a real natural way to say this, to say
I knew it was going to happen.

It's no surprise" is this --
So if I say:

Hey, did you hear about Takashi's promotion?
He became senior manager.

And Taro says:
That was a foregone conclusion.

Very natural! It sounds like
I knew about this like two months

ago. It was totally expected. OK, so its a
real natural way to say that. It could

be used for the future too.
You know, like for example

Who's going to win the J. League championships?

And you say: It's a foregone...
it IS , not it WAS -- It is

a foregone conclusion. The Urawa Reds will win.
You know, for example. I'm actually not a

soccer fan. I'm very neutral, I don't have
a favorite teams. OK, so no hate mail

because of that comment please.

OK, I like all J. League teams.
OK, anyway so that's a foregone conclusion.

It's about the future. It could be, you know,
the past that was a foregone conclusion.

OK, useful phrase. Let's look at

That wasa foregone conclusion.

That was a foregone conclusion.
You try...

OK, good. With my question:
Did you hear about Takashi's promotion?

Oh really? I didn't expect it.

Perfect. for homework, next time I'm gonna say:
Hey, did you hear about Takashi's promotion?

And you just say...
That was a foregone conclusion.

Please remember this and we'll see you
next time. Thank you.


