Tip 173”rule of thumb” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第173弾は、”rule of thumb” です。


“Should I pay for the client? Should I pay for dinner?”


”Yes, you should pay.”


“Well as a rule of thumb you should pay.”



Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases video series. And today's idiom

is "rule of thumb." This is your thumb. Your fingers, and your thumb. What is this rule of thumb?

We will find out but first let's do our
test. So...

You and I, we work for the same company and I say: So did we

get the big contract? Did we get it? Yes?
And you say, not "99% we can get it" but...

There you go! "It's pretty much in the bag."
Very natural. I hope you got that.

It's pretty much in the bag, 99% we can get it.

OK so today's idiom is rule of thumb.
Now here's what I sometimes hear...

So let's imagine Taro is my Japanese colleague

and I say: Taro, I'm having dinner with a client. It's my first time to have dinner with a client.

Should I pay for the client? Should I pay for dinner?

Is that the Japanese custom? and he says: Yes, you should pay.

OK. This is OK, but "yes, you
should pay" means "yes, EVERY TIME

you should pay. That's the rule."

But that's not really true, right?
I mean the general

rule is you know we pay for the customer.
General rule.

but sometimes, you know, we go 50-50.
So to say "yes, you should pay"

is like an absolute rule. It's a "hundred percent" rule.

That's not true in Japan these days. So...

a more natural way to say this, is like

So if I say: So I'm having dinner with a client tonight. Should I pay for dinner?

And Taro says: Well as a rule of thumb you should pay.

As a general rule, yes you should pay.
OK just like that.

Let's look at pronunciation. So it's

Asa ruleof thum', you should pay.

You know, for client.
OK you try...

OK with my question:

So, I'm having dinner with the client. Should I pay for dinner?

I see. OK, OK well then, I will prepare some money.

Perfect! OK, so for homework next time I will ask you

I'll say: You know should I pay for dinner? and you say...

Yeah, as a rule of thumb, you should pay.

Please remember this and we will see you next time. Thank you.


