Tip 155 ”tie up loose ends” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第155弾は、”tie up loose ends” です。


“Have you finished the report?”「レポートって終わったの?」と聞きました。

“Not yet. I have to do a bit more work to finish it.”「まだだよ。完成させるには、もう少し。」

“Just need to tie up loose ends.”「あとは仕上げだけだよ。」


Hello and welcome this Bizmates

words and phrases video series and

idiom is tying up loose

ends. Tie up loose ends. So you can imagine like two pieces of string that are


and you tie them up. But what does this
really mean?

We will find out but first let's do you
our test.

Okay so I ask you. I say you know

how did you meet your wife? How did you meet?

Okay and you say well my boss introduced me to her and we started...

It's a long story. I don't need the whole
story. So you say...

That's right. My boss introduced me to

and the rest is history. You know the
rest of the story.

Very natural phrase, idiom.

I hope you remember that. Okay and let's go on to today's idiom.

Tie up loose ends. Okay

so here's what I sometimes hear. So

I ask Taro. I say Taro have you finished
the report?

You know I asked you to finish the report.
Did you finish it? And he says

Ah, not yet. I have to do

a bit more work to finish it.

I have to do the summary part and

and the conclusion part and then I will

Okay, you know he doesn't have to

the details. I need to do a little bit
more work. It's a bit long.

What's a more natural way, a short way to say this?

Well we can say this. So if I ask him, have
you finished the report?

And he can say, just need to tie up
loose ends.

Very natural.

Just need to tie up loose ends.

So do you remember the two pieces of string? OK?

The summary is not quite finished so I
tie this up.

And the summary is finished. And the
conclusion in my report.

still loose strings. Just going to tie them
up and it's finished.

Okay so it just means I need to do a little
bit more work

and I'm unfinished. So

just need to tie up loose ends. Okay.

Let's look at pronunciation. It's just need to

just need to tie up loose ends. Just need
to tie up loose ends.

You try. Good.

Okay so with my question. Have you
finished the report?

Okay no problem. Very natural.

Okay so for homework, next time I will
ask you

have you finished the report? And say, not yet.

I have to do a bit more. Not I have to do a
bit more work, but

I just need to tie up loose ends.

Okay please remember this.

And we will see you next time. Thank you.


