Tip 137 ”best of both worlds” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第137弾は、”best of both worlds” です。


“I want a higher salary, but I don’t want to be a manager.”「昇給したいけど、マネジャーにはなりたくないんだよね。」と言いました。

“You can’t have good points from both situations.”「両方の状況からいいポイントだけを受けることはできません。」

“You can’t have the best of both worlds.”「いいとこどりは無理だよ。」


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates

words and phrases video series and

idiom is best of both worlds.

We have two worlds and you take the best

from each world. What does that mean?

We will find out but first let's do our

Okay so I say to you. You know my target

is now two million dollars this year.

It's unfair. And you say, yes the

not makes high expectation every year.

yes the company raises the bar

every year. That's right. They raise the bar.

I hope you got that. Let's go on to
today's idiom,

best of both worlds. Okay here's what I
sometimes hear.

So imagine Taro's my colleague and

you know I'm just talking to Taro about becoming a manager.

And I say, you know I want a higher

I want more money but Idon't

want to be manager. I don't want that

And Taro says yeah

Hika, you can't have good points

from both situations.

You can't you can't have high salary

and no responsibility.

That's unfair. It's kind of strange. You
can't have good points from both


So what's a more natural way to say this?

Okay well we can say this.

So if I say I want a higher salary,

but I don't want to be a manager. I don't
want that responsibility.

Taka can say or Taro can say, you can't have

the best of both worlds. The best

of both worlds. You can't take the high

and no responsibility. That's unfair.

This is a great idiom, which you can use.

So if there're two situations and if someone
is trying to take the good points from

both situation,

you can say this phrase. Okay so for

if I say yeah you know I wanna get married

married but I want to have freedom

to do what I want. You can't

you can' have the best of both worlds. You
can't have that

freedom and get married, you know.
Something like this.

Okay so let's look at pronunciation. It's
you can't have

the best of, best of both worlds.

You can have the best of both worlds.You try.

Good. Okay with my sentence. You know I
want a higher salary,

but I don't wanna be a manager. Good.

Okay so for homework. Next time I'm going to say,

I want a higher salary but I don't want to
be a manager.

And you say, well you can't have the best of both worlds.

Okay please remember this and we will
see you

next time. Thank you.


