Tip 123 ”let sleeping dogs lie” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第123弾は、”let sleeping dogs lie” です。


“I’m going to report this issue to HR.”「この問題は人事に報告するよ。」と同僚のタロウに言いました。

“It’s not your issue. So please ignore it.”「あなたの問題ではありません。だから無視してください。」

“Just let sleeping dogs lie.”「そっとしておいた方がいいよ。」


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases video series for

business people.

And today's idiom is let sleeping dogs

lie. Now this is not to tell

a lie. This lie means like a lying down.

A dog is sleeping. Let sleeping dogs

lie. Let them sleep. OK what does
this mean?

Well we'll find out but first let's do
our usual

test. OK so tell me somthing that was

a blessing in disguise

for you. Something that seemed bad

at first. but became

very good. OK OK. I hope you have a

a good example. OK let's go on to
today's idiom.

Let sleeping dogs lie. But first here's
what I usually hear.

So let's imagine Taro and I are

OK and I notice another colleague.

He did something bad. For example

he was the late for work. He's ten minutes

and I say to Taro, what? He's 10
minutes late.

I'm going to report this issue to HR.

OK to Human Resources. It's not fair.
He's always late.

OK. And Taro says,

it's not your issue. So

please ignore it. Don't cause

OK, which is OK.

because it's not my problem. It's the
other employees problem.

So please ignore it.

Well it's OK. I understand the meaning.

But it doesn't have that natural

touch. You know so using an idiom here

instead of "ignore", makes it much more

like this. OK so I say Taro,

he's late again. I'm going to report this
issue HR.

And he says Hika, Hika. Just let
sleeping dogs lie.

Just just let sleeping dogs lie.

Yeah very natural and very soft.

Better than please ignore it. It's not

issue. You know. Just I I know it's a
problem but it's not really

your problem. You know. So just leave it

Ignore it. Don't worry about it. It's not
your issue.

Just let sleeping dogs lie. OK.

Very common useful idiom.

Let's look at pronunciation. It's not just

let. But it's just let, just let.

Just let sleeping dogs lie just let
sleeping dogs lie.

You try OK.

And with my sentence. I I'm going to
report this issue to HR.


I understand. I'll just let sleeping dogs

OK did you get that? OK for homework,

so I want you tell me. Have you ever

let sleeping dogs lie at work?

Maybe there's a situation you know it's
it's a problem.

But you just kind of ignore it

because you don't want to cause trouble.

Have you been in a situation like that?
OK well think about it.

And tell me next time. And we'll see you
in the next lesson.

Thank you.


