Tip 117 ”buzz” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第117弾は、”buzz” です。



“Wow, I just love our new ad on Facebook.” 「おぉ、新しいフェイスブックの広告とてもいいね。」とヒカが言いました。

“Thanks. We hope many people will become interested and talk about it.”「ありがとう。多くの人に興味を持ってもらい、話題にしてもらえるといいな。」

“Thanks. We hope it generates a lot of buzz.”「ありがとう。話題性の高い広告になるといいな。」
と言ってみましょう。”We hope it creates a lot of buzz.”も使える自然な表現です。


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates
words and phrases video lesson for business people.

And today's word is
buzz, generate a lot of buzz.

So if you are familiar with
social media and IT stuff, maybe you've heard of buzz.

It's sometimes used in Japanese, like Japanese English.

OK, but let's learn how to use this correctly today.

OK, but first let's do our test.
So tell me a time about a unanimous decision

in your work. So this is a decision that
you and your colleagues made

and everyone agreed 100 percent. Everyone agreed.

A unanimous decision. OK, I hope you have a good example.

OK, so let's go on to today's word,
buzz. And we say generate a lot of buzz.

What does this mean? OK, well let's imagine

that Taro and I are talking. And Taro
is in charge of marketing, web

marketing or Internet marketing. And Taro
created a new Facebook

advertisement on Facebook right.

so I say, wow I just love our new ad,
advertisement on Facebook.

It's great. It's a great ad. Amd Taro says,

thanks we hope many people will become

interested and talk about it. OK yeah
that's the purpose of the ad right?
So many people become interested in our
product or service,

and they talk about it with their friends yeah.

But that's a long explanation ?
We hope many people will become interested
and talk about it. Well, there's a is a shorter way to say this.

OK, and we use the word, buzz.
OK, so how do we use this? Like this.

So if I say Taro, wow I just love our new

ad on Facebook. It's really great. And he says,
thanks we hope it generates a lot of buzz.

Oh, I hope so too.
Do you see that? Buzz. So many like bees.

Many people are talking about it
because they're interested in this ad.
Wow, did you see that ad? Yeah it's great you know it's interesting.

Oh, it's so funny.

This is buzz. So we hope it generates
or creates a lot of buzz.

OK, let's look at pronunciation.

So, we could say thanks with a pause. We hope it
generates a lot of, generates a lot of
buzz. Thanks we hope it generates a lot a buzz.

Thanks we hope it generates a lot of buzz.

You try.
OK, with my sentence. Wow I just love our new
ad on Facebook. Good.

OK, so my ah, let's look at homework.

So tell me some news that's generating
a lot of buzz now. What have you read
in the news that's generating a
lot of buzz. People are talking about it.

OK, and tell me about it in the next lesson.

Thank you


