Tip 115 ”show of hands” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第115弾は、”a show of hands” です。



“So, should we choose option A or B?” 「オプションAとBのどちらにしましょうか?」

“We can decide with hands up.” 「手を上げて決めましょう。」

“Let’s vote by a show of hands.” 「挙手の多数決で決めましょう。」


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates
words and phrases video lesson

for business people and today's

phrase or idiom is a show

of hands. What does this mean?

A hand show? We show our hands?

OK, we will find out but first let's
do our usual

test. OK so tell me a time

you didn't see it coming.

Remember we learned this last time.
Some unexpected news.

OK maybe some unexpected news you read in the newspaper

and you went, huh, I didn't expect this.

OK you didn't see it coming or maybe

your your HR Manager has some

big news for you. You didn't see it

Or or maybe your spouse,your husband or

gives you some big news. You didn't see it

OK, it could be good news or bad .

All right. OK so a show up heads.

Now let's imagine that Taro and I,

we are in a meeting OK with other

So we have Taka. We have Keiko. We have Yuji.

OK, we're all having a meeting. We are
trying to decide

something. We're trying to decide. And I say,

should be choose option A or B?

Which one, A or B? And

Taro says, yeah we can decide

with hands up. Hands up?

Oh, I see. So option A everyone? Who
wants option A?

Who wants option B? OK so that's what he

We can decide with hands up. But this
English is a little bit strange.

We don't say that. Decide with

hands up. So how do we say this? OK well

we can say this. So imagine we're in a meeting and I say,

should we choose option A or B? And Taro

well let's vote by a show of hands. Oh,
very natural.

Let's vote by a show of hands.

We call this system show up hands.

OK all right. Let's look at

pronunciation. Let's vote

by a show of hands.

Let's vote, let's vote by a show of hands.

You try. OK. Good, Let's try it with my

Should we choose option A or B? That's a
good idea. OK so option A everyone?

B? Like this okay.

So for homework, tell me a time

you decided something new

by a show of hands. You decided on a
restaurant for lunch.

Or you decided on, I don't know, who will be the team leader.

You know, what did you decide by a
show of hands?

OK and we'll see you in the next
lesson. Thank you.


