Tip 112 ”It’s not for me to say, but…” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第112弾は、“It’s not for me to say, but…” です。


“Our vendor just gave me an expensive gift.”「お客様から高価な贈り物を頂いたよ。」とヒカが言いました。

“You should return it.”「返すべきだ。」

“It’s not for me to say, but maybe you should return it.”「私が言うべきではないかもしれないけれど、返した方がいいかもね。」


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's phrase is it's not for me to say,
but... Hmmm...

It's one of those phrases that
you use when you're giving advice,

but it's a little bit sensitive.
Advice that's sensitive.

OK. So let's find out what this means.

But first, let's do our test.

So imagine we're colleagues
and I come up to you and I say,

so, I hear you're planning to take a vacation.

But you're wondering, wow, who was the person who told Hika this?
So you want to know who told me.

OK, so let's try.
so, I hear you're planning to take a vacation.

Says who? Did you get that?
I hope so. OK. So says who?

All right. Let's go on to today's phrase.
It's not for me to say, but... What does this mean?

OK. Well, imagine the situation here.
Taro and I you know, we're colleagues OK.

We're close colleagues.
And I say this,

Hey Taro, our vendor, our supplier just
gave me an expensive gift. Wow!

OK. And you know nowadays
in many Japanese companies, it's

it's not so good to get gifts from your vendors
or suppliers right? So but, but I don't know that.

So I say, yeah our vendor just gave
me an expensive gift.

And Taro says, yeah you should return it.
Give it back.

And I think, no! It's mine.
Why should I give it back?

It's none of your business.
It's not for you, it's for me.

So, it doesn't come across of being
very nice OK.

You should return it or you had better return it.
Or you'd better return it.

Anything like that. It just doesn't sound right because
it's none of his business. This is my business. OK.

So in that case, to be a little bit more sensitive to
the other person's feelings, you can say this.

Our vendor just gave me an expensive gift.
Yeah, look.

And you say, yeah it's, it's not for me to say,
but maybe you should return it.

Hmmm... really? You think so?

OK. Just like that. Why is this better?
Because it's not for me to say means

I know, I shouldn't, it's not my problem
or it's not my business, but I want to tell you this.

OK. So Taro is thinking about the other person.
He's being very sensitive about the other person's feelings.

I know that this is not my business,
but I'm gonna give you advice.

OK. So let's look at pronunciation.
It's not for me to say.

It's not for me to say,
but maybe you should return it. Return it.

OK. It's not for me to say,
but maybe you should return it.

You try.

OK. Let's try it with my sentence.

Our vendor just gave me an expensive gift.

Yeah, OK. You think so?
OK, maybe I will return it.

Perfect. Just like that.

OK. So whenever you're giving advice or
something a little bit sensitive that

is not your business, it's their business,
maybe you could use this phrase.

OK, for homework.
Next time, I'm going to say,

Our vendor just gave me an expensive gift.

And you say, it's not for me to say,
but maybe you should return it.

OK. So try it in the next lesson.
OK. Thank you.


