Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 89 ”Off the record,…”

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第89弾は、”Off the record,…” です。


“What’s new, Taro?”「最近どう?」と聞きました。

“Please don’t say to anyone, but I am looking for a new job.”「誰にも言わないでください、だけど新しい仕事を探しています。」

“Off the record, I’m looking for a new job.”「内密だけど、新しい仕事探してるよ。」


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for

video series and today's idiom

is "off the record"

Off the record. Okay what does this mean?

We will find out, but first let's do our

Okay, so remember. I...

I think, I say, I thought Golden Week was
from this week.

I thought Golden Week was from this week.
It's not this week,

its next week? And you say, not "I think so too"

that's what I thought

that's right! Very natural. Okay, so
let's go on to today's idiom --

off the record. But here's what I usually

okay, so imagine Taro was my colleague and I say

So, what's new Taro? Is everything okay?
And Taro says:

Yeah, please don't say to anyone,

but I am looking for a new job.

Hmm? Please don't say to anyone... okay, okay

it's a secret I understand, but I am
looking for a new job.

So taro is telling me something that's a secret.

But please don't say to anyone, please
don't tell anyone

is better -- but a real, natural way to say

especially for business situation. If it's

secret.. like a business project

a secret project. You know you could say

so, if I say what's new Taro? You could say

off-the-record. Off the record,

I'm looking for a new job. Very natural!

Off the record. It's a secret, okay?

alright so let's look at pronunciation.
So it's

not off the record, but its
off the record

pause, off-the-record, i'm looking for

new job. Off the record

i'm looking for a new job. Okay, great
business idiom.

Off the record. Okay, so for homework

next time I'm gonna say: So, what's new

What's up? What's new? And you say...

that's right.

Off the record, I'm looking for a new job;

or could be any secret. Please remember

and we'll see you next time. Thank you


