Point 8 ”join” 初級ビジネス英会話

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第8弾は、”join” です。


“How long have you worked for this company?” 「この会社でどれくらい働いているの?」



“I entered my company 3 years ago.”

こんなときには、日本人にも馴染み深い”join” という英単語をつかって

“I joined my company 3 years ago.”


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for beginners
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's word is join. Hmmm...
It's a very useful word, join.

OK let's learn this.
OK. But first, we will do our test.

OK imagine there's a new person,
I don't know him and I ask you.

Who is that new guy?
And you say...

He's Kenji. He's a part-time worker.
Not arubaito right? OK.

Let's go on to today's word, join.
Simple. You know, join a club.

Join something. Join a group OK.

So imagine, Taro and I are colleagues.
OK. We work for the same company.

And I ask Taro and I say, yeah Taro,
how long have you worked for this company?

5 years? 6 years? 10 years?
How long have you worked?

And Taro says,
I entered my company 3 years ago.

Hmmm... Entered. This is very strange OK.
You could enter a building OK.

You could enter a restaurant OK.
But we don't enter a company 3 years ago.

It's strange, yeah. OK.
So a more natural style is this.

So if I ask Taro, yeah Taro, how long have you worked
for this company? 5 years? 10 years?

And he says, yeah,
I joined my company 3 years ago.

Perfect. Join. We don't use enter OK?
All right. So let's look at pronunciation.

Just like this. I joined my company 3 years ago.
You try.

One more time.
I joined my company 3 years ago.

OK. Let's try it with my question.
And you don't have to say 3, could be 5 or 10 OK?

All right, so how long have you worked
for this company?

Wow, a long time. OK. Did you get that?
OK? All right.

Let's do the homework.
For homework, I will ask you.

How long have you worked for your company?

And you say, yeah, I joined my company
___ years ago. 5 years ago. 10 years ago.

OK. We'll see you in the next lesson.
Thank you.


