Point 7 ”part-time worker” 初級ビジネス英会話

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第7弾は、”part-time worker” です。



“Who is that new guy?” 「あの新しい男性は誰?」

“He is an arubaito.”

こんな時には、”part-time worker” をつかって、

“He’s a part-time worker.”


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for beginners
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's word is part-time worker.
Hmmm... It's a nice business word.

OK, let's learn this one.
OK but first, we have our test OK.

Imagine the phone is ringing.
Ring, ring, ring and you are busy.

What do you say?

Could you get that? That's right.
And I will say, ah OK, OK I will get it.

That's right, not please catch the phone OK.
Could you get that? All right.

OK. So today's word part-time worker.
What does this mean? Hmmm...

OK, so imagine that Taro and I are co-workers.
We work for the same company.

And there's a new person,
a new guy OK, in the office.

And I say, who, who is that new guy?
There's a new person. So I asked Taro.

Taro, who is that new guy?
And Taro says, ah he's Kenji. He is an arubaito.

Hmmm... OK. Arubaito is, is Japanese English OK.
It's not English OK or American English or British English.

I think it's German, yeah. But Arubaito is not English OK.
So, a natural style is this one.

So if I say, Taro, who is that new guy? I don't know him.

Taro can say, ah he's Kenji. He's a part-time worker.

I see, a part-time worker. It's perfect.

OK, let's look at pronunciation.
So he'sa, we put those together.

He'sa, it's not part time, there're two T's.
So we only need one T.

He'sa par-time worker. He'sa par-time worker.
You try.

One more time.
He'sa par-time worker.

OK. So let's try with my question OK.

Who is that new guy?

Oh I see. OK, did you get that?
OK, for homework, next time I will ask you.

I'll say, who's that new guy?
And you say, ah he's Kenji. He's a part-time worker.

OK, we'll see you in the next lesson.
Thank you.


