Point 47 “Can you fill me in?” 初級ビジネス英会話

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第47弾は、”Can you fill me in” です。



”You missed a good meeting.”「タロウ、あの素晴らしいミーティングを欠席していたね。」


“Please give me about meeting details.”


“Can you fill me in?”



Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for beginners
video series for Japanese business people.

And today's question is
Can you fill me in?

Can you fill me in?
What does this mean?

OK but first let's do our test.
OK, so imagine we're colleagues.

And I say, hey I'll be back at 2pm.
I have to go.

And you say,
Ah, Hika...

That's right.
Don't forget to call Sato-san.

Don't forget to take your bag.
Don't forget to...

OK, thanks for reminding me.
Perfect, did you get that?

OK, I hope so.
All right, let's go on to today's question.

Can you fill me in?
Hmm. OK, here's the situation.

So, imagine Taro and I, we are colleagues.
And we had a meeting,

but Taro was not there.
He missed the meeting.

So I say, Taro, you missed a good meeting.
Yeah, where were you?

You missed a good meeting. And he says,
ah OK please tell me about meeting details.

OK, I can give you details.
Good but it's a little bit strange.

Please tell me about meeting details.
OK, so what can we say to make it more natural?

Well we can use this idiom, can you fill me in?
Let me show you. OK.

So again we are colleagues and I say to Taro,
You missed a good meeting.

And he says,
Yeah, can you fill me in?

I say sure, yeah OK.
Here are the minutes of the meeting.

It means can you tell me all the details that I missed?
Can you fill me in?

Perfect, very natural,
used in many business situations.

OK, let's look at pronunciation.
It's Canya, canya fill me in?

Canya fill me in?
You try.

Good, OK let's try it with my sentence.
You missed a good meeting today.

Yeah and no problem,
I'll give you the minutes of the meeting.

OK, just like that.
OK for homework.

Next time I see you, I will say,
Hey, you missed a good meeting.

And you say, can you fill me in?
Just like that.

OK, so please practice this and
We'll see you in the next lesson. Thank you.


