Point 45 “I’m in…” 初級ビジネス英会話

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第45弾は、“I’m in…” です。


“I am a marketing staff.”

そこでこんな場面では、”I’m in…” を使って、

“I’m in marketing.”



Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for beginners
video series for Japanese business people.

And today's phrase is a short and simple one.
I'm in...

I'm in something.
What does this mean?

It's very useful, but first,
let's do our test. OK.

So we're colleagues. We're in the office.
And I say, hey good morning.

And you say...

That's right, you say, hi Hika.
It's beautiful out there.

Yes, it's very beautiful.

Not it's a fine day.
It's a little strange, OK.

All right good, I hope you got that.
OK, let's go to today's short phrase, I'm in something.

This is really useful because...
Imagine Taro and I, this time we are not colleagues.

OK, we don't know each other.
And we introduce each other.

Hi my name's Hika.
Oh I'm Taro, nice to meet you.

And I say, so, what's your job?
What do you do? What's your work?

And Taro, he doesn't know how to answer
because he doesn't have a position.

He's not a manager, he's not a president.
He's not an executive, he has no title.

So he says...
I'm a marketing staff.

OK, this sounds a little bit unnatural you know.
He wants... I'm a marketer, I'm a marketing person.

It's difficult to explain. Yeah.
But marketing staff is not so natural.

So a more natural way to say this is like this.

So If I say, so, you know, what's your job?
And he says, oh I'm in marketing.

Perfect. I'm in marketing.
Yeah, I'm in human resources.

I'm in sales. I'm in finance.
Perfect, just like that.

You don't need a title to answer this question.
OK, let's look at pronunciation.

It's I'min, I'min marketing.
I'min marketing. You try.

Good. OK let's try it with my question.
So, what's your job?

Oh, I see.

OK, so for homework.
Next time I will ask you.

So, what's your job?
And you just say, hey I'm in marketing.

Or you could say, I'm in sales.
Or I'm in accounting.

Whatever your field is.
OK, so please practice this.

And we will see you in the next lesson.
Thank you.


