Point 29 “I’m having a hard time.” 初級ビジネス英会話

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第29弾は、”I’m having a hard time.” です。



“Is everything OK?” 「順調ですか?」

“This report is difficult for me.”

こんなときは、ぜひ “I’m having a hard time ~”「~に苦労している」 を使って、

“I’m having a hard time with this report.”


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for beginners
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's phrase is I'm having a hard time.
I'm having a hard time.

What does this mean?
Well we will find out.

OK so let's do our usual test.
So we are going to a restaurant together.

And I say, hey what do you want to eat?
And you say...

Yeah, I feel like Chinese food.
Good. Did you get that? Yes? I hope so.

OK let's go on to today's phrase.
I'm having a hard time OK.

OK so let me give you an example.
So let's imagine that I see Taro in front of his computer.

And he looks like he has a problem.
He looks stressed out. He has a lot of stress.

And I say, hey Taro, is everything OK?
Are you OK?

And he says, yeah this report is difficult for me.
Hmmm... I see, well maybe I can help.

Yeah this sentence is OK. This report is difficult for me.
But just sounds very basic, this sentence, yeah.

So to make it a little bit more natural,
we could use this phrase, like this.

So if I say, Taro is everything OK?
And he says, yeah I'm having a hard time with this report.

It's much more natural.
I'm having a hard time with this report, yeah.

It's the same meaning, it's really difficult...
Yeah, I need some help, yeah OK.

So let's look at pronunciation.
It's I'm havinga, I'm havinga hard time with this report.

I'm havinga hard time with this report.
You try.

OK let's try it with my question.
Hey, is everything OK?

I see, well maybe I can help you.
OK like this. Did you get that?

OK for homework, next time we meet, I will ask you.
Is everything OK?

And you say,
I'm having a hard time with this report.

OK so please review this and
we'll see you in the next lesson. OK thank you.

So, do you feel like Indian or Italian?

OK, I feel like Indian.
Just like that.

OK, so for homework.
Next time we meet, I will ask you.

Do you feel like Indian or Italian?
And you say, it's your call.

OK. Practice that. All right.
And we'll see you in the next lesson. Thank you.


