“Get the hang of it”の意味と使い方 Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 229

Get the hang of it ってどういう意味?

Get the hang of it は「コツをつかむ」という意味になります。

“You’ll get the hang of it”(「そのうち慣れますよ」)などと、まだ慣れていなく戸惑っている者に励ましの言葉を贈る時や、”I’m getting the hang of it”(「だんだんコツがつかめてきました」)などといった風に慣れてきたことを伝える時に使われます。


Get the hang of it ってどういう場面で使うの?


Justin: I just don’t understand how to use this new phone!
You: Don’t worry! You will get the hang of it.

Justin: この携帯がどうもうまく使いこなせません。
You: そのうち慣れますよ。


Get the hang of it の自然な使い方を動画で学ぶ

こちらの動画で、発音や、会話の中での自然な使い方を、Bizmatesのプレゼンター Justinが解説します。


Hello everyone, Justin here and welcome
to this week's Bizmates for Beginners

video lesson. So every week, I introduce
a new idiom expression or phrase to help

you with your daily business
conversation. So let's jump right into it

and get started with our lesson today.
And, this week everyone, we are going to

00:00:21,810 --> 00:00:25,650
learn the expression "get the hang of it"

So let's find out what this means and
how to use it, but first as always, I hope

all of you we're studying and all of you
remember last week's expression because

we are going to do a quick review.
Alright everyone, so imagine I say: I hear

you're up for another promotion. How do
you feel? And of course you feel very

excited, you feel very happy. So how do
you say that using last week's

expression? I'll give you five seconds to
think about it okay, you ready?

Alright, go!

And time is up if you said
I'm on cloud nine, then that's exactly

right. Good job and thanks for
remembering the expression. Okay everyone,

so let's move on to "get the hang of it."
So this is what I sometimes hear -- so just

the other week I bought a new smartphone,
but I'm not very good with technology so

it's very hard for me to use this new
phone. You know, the features are

different, the operating system is
different, so I don't know what to do. So

I'm talking to Taro and I say: You know,
Taro, I just can't figure out how to use

this new phone! It's so difficult. Taro
says: Yeah, don't worry! You will soon

understand! OK, yes I understand. So of
course when you try something new, it

takes some time to get used to it. Now
although this expression is okay,

I understand what Taro wants to say. You
might hear something a little bit

different, for example... yes, that's right.
Don't worry!

You will get the hang of it. OK so
whenever you want to give someone

encouragement, okay. Maybe they feel "ah
this, you know, this is really difficult. I

don't understand" but you want to give
them support. You want to, you know, give

them some encouragement, some positive
energy, you can say: yeah, don't worry. I

know it's difficult, but you'll get the
hang of it.

Okay? So at first, it's difficult, but
after time, you will learn how to be

better; you will become more used to it,

You'll get the hang of it, okay? Alright
so pronunciation, please repeat after me

everyone: get the hang of it.
Your turn.

Alright, good. Okay, now after my

sentence here: I just can't figure out
how to use this new phone.

Very good. Yes

don't worry, you'll get the hang of it.
Alright, so please remember to use

this in your conversation and remember
this for our review next week. Okay our

bonus question everyone is another way
to say: "becoming good situation." So if you

know what the answer is, please leave it
in the comments below in our YouTube

page, the comments box; or if you don't
know the answer, of course, you can find

it in one of our previous videos that's
listed there as well, okay? Alright so

everyone, so that is it for us today.
Thank you so much for watching the video.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and
I'll see you next time, okay? Thank you.


