“Keep (something) in check”の意味と使い方 Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 226

Keep (something) in check ってどういう意味?

Keep (something) in check は「管理する」という意味になります。感情や体調など、気をつけなければ手に負えなくなってしまうようなものに対して使います。


Keep (something) in check ってどういう場面で使うの?


Justin: I ate too much over the holidays! I gained at least 5 pounds!
You: Me too! We must keep our weight in check.

Justin: 休み中に食べ過ぎました!2キロは太ってしまいました。
You: 私もです!体重を管理しないとですね。


Keep (something) in check の自然な使い方を動画で学ぶ

こちらの動画で、発音や、会話の中での自然な使い方を、Bizmatesのプレゼンター Justinが解説します。


Hello everyone, Justin here and welcome
to this year's very first Bizmates for

Beginners video lesson. I hope you all
had a wonderful New Year's vacation and

welcome back. So today everyone, let's get
started with the expression

"keep something in check." So let's find out how
to use it and what it means in our video

lesson today, but first let's do a quick
review of last week's class.

OK everyone so imagine I asked you:
What will you do for winter vacation?

And you cannot decide between going to
the hot springs or just staying at home and

relaxing. So how do you say that in a
more natural way using the expression

from last week? I'll give you five
seconds to think about it, okay? You ready?

All right go.

And time is up .If you said:
It's a toss-up between going to the hot

springs or just relaxing at home, then
you got it. Nice job and thank you for

remembering the expression. All right
everyone let's move on to "keep something

in check." Now this is what I sometimes
hear... alright so I just got back from

winter vacation and I'm talking to my
colleague, Taro, and I say: Taro, I ate too

much over the holidays! I gained at least
five pounds! Getting fat. And, Taro says:

Me too! We must control our weight. All right,
yes I agree, I agree. Now, okay, although

this expression is fine: "control our
weight" you might hear someone from a

native English-speaking country say
something like this: Me too! We must keep

our weight in check. OK, so when you
"keep something in check" it means to

control something. So for example, we have
to keep our emotions in check when

doing business, right? We have to control
our emotions when we are having our

meetings or negotiations, for example.
Okay? But in this case, we have to keep

our weight in check, we ate too much. For
our health, we need to control it, so we

need to control our eating habits. We
need to keep our eating habits in check.

Okay? All right so pronunciation, it's
very simple, as you see it here. Keep our

weight in check. OK so please repeat
after me: Keep our weight in check.

Your turn.

All right good, okay now after my
sentences here: I ate too much over the

holidays! I gained at least 5 pounds!
Your turn.

Alright, me too. We must keep our weight in check. OK so please remember this

expression for next time. All right so
our bonus question, is another way to say:

"talk about work" If you know what the
answer is, you can leave it in the

comments below; if you don't, you can find
it in one of our previous Bizmates for

Beginners video lessons. Alright everyone,
so that is it for me this week, thank you

so much for watching. I hope you have a
great start to 2018 and we'll see you in

many more videos to come.
Thank you very much.


