“A toss-up”の意味と使い方 Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 225

A toss-up ってどういう意味?

Toss-up はAかBか決めなければならない際に「五分五分」「甲乙つけがたい」といった、確率や魅力についてどちらが勝るとも言えない場合に使われる表現です。


A toss-up ってどういう場面で使うの?


Justin: What will you do for winter vacation?
You: It’s a toss-up between going to the hot springs or just relaxing at home.

Justin: 冬休みはどうなさるんですか?
You: 温泉に行くか家でのんびりするかのどちらかですね。


A toss-up の自然な使い方を動画で学ぶ

こちらの動画で、発音や、会話の中での自然な使い方を、Bizmatesのプレゼンター Justinが解説します。


Hello everyone, Justin here and welcome
to this week's Bizmates for Beginners

video lesson, where every week we
introduce a new word, idiom, or expression

to help you with your daily business
conversation. OK everyone this week, we

are going to learn "a toss-up." So what
does a toss-up mean? Well, stay tuned to

find out, but first everyone, let's do a
quick review of last week's class.

Alright, so imagine I asked you: How can
we fix this problem? Because I've been

trying to think of this on my own for a
long time, and I just can't figure it out.

So if you have any good ideas,
please let me know. So what do you say?

Alright I'll give you five seconds to
think of a response using the expression

from last week, okay? Are you ready?
Alright, go.

OK and time is up everyone.

If you said "if we put our heads together,
we can do it" then that's exactly right.

Good job and thank you for remembering
last week's expression. Alright so

let's move on to "a toss-up." OK now this
is what I sometimes hear:

Alright I'm talking to my colleague,
Taro, and I say: Taro, so what will you do

for winter vacation? New Year's is just
right around the corner, maybe you're

taking some extra time off. So what are
you going to do?

Taro, he says: Well it's difficult to
decide between going to the hot springs

or just relaxing at home. Alright, well
that sounds really good. Both options

sound really nice okay. So yes I think
this is fine, it's difficult to decide

between A or B, but you might hear a
native English speaker use something

like this ~ it's a toss-up between going
to the hot springs or just relaxing at home.

So both options -- going to the hot
springs or staying at home

both options are really good, so it's
really difficult to choose A or B. So in

this case you can say "it's a toss-up"
okay? It's a toss-up between... pasta or

pizza, okay? Or it's a toss-up between
this option and this option, okay? So if

both are equally good, you can use this
expression: it's a toss-up. Okay?

Alright, so pronunciation, it's very simple okay?
It's as you see it here, so repeat after

me: it's a toss-up. Your turn.

Alright, very good. OK so after my question here:

What will you do for winter vacation?

Alright, good. Yes, okay perfect.

So please remember this for next time, okay
everyone? Alright our bonus question

this week is another way to say: "yes I am."
If you know what the answer is, you can

leave it in the comments below. If you
want to find out what the answer is, you

can find it in one of our previous
Bizmates for Beginners video lessons.

OK everyone, so this is our last video
lesson of this year before New Year's

time, so I want to wish you all a very
happy new year. All the best in 2018 and

I'm looking forward to seeing you in our
first video for next year, okay? Alright

so take care everyone, and I'll see you
next time. Thank you.


