“A long shot”の意味と使い方 Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 221

A long shot ってどういう意味?

A long shot は、「期待薄」という意味になります。何かの達成の見込みが低い際に、この表現を使います。球技を遊ぶ際に、相手チームのゴールからだいぶ離れた場所からシュートを決めようとする場面を思い浮かべると、この表現のニュアンスがわかると思います。


A long shot ってどういう場面で使うの?


Justin: Are we going to get the contract?
You: I don’t know… it’s a long shot.

Justin: 契約は取れそうですか?
You: わかりません・・・期待薄です。


A long shot の自然な使い方を動画で学ぶ

こちらの動画で、発音や、会話の中での自然な使い方を、Bizmatesのプレゼンター Justinが解説します。


Hello everyone, Justin here and welcome
to this week's Bizmates for Beginners

video lesson where every week I
introduce a new idiom or expression to

help you with your daily business
conversation. OK so today everyone, we

are going to learn the expression: "a
long shot." So let's find out what that

means and how to use it, but first as
always let's do a quick review of last

week's class. OK everyone so imagine I say:
Some people don't like my decision.

They don't agree with my choice. So I'm
feeling a little bit uncomfortable, I

don't really have a lot of confidence. So
what do you say? OK so you support me

no matter what happens, you are going to
support me and my decision. So how do you

say that using the expression from last
week? I'll give you five seconds okay, you

Alright go.

OK, everyone time is up.

If you said "don't worry I have your back"
meaning I will always support you no

matter what happens, then that's exactly

Good job and thank you for remembering
last week's expression. OK so let's

move on to "a long shot." Now this is what
I sometimes hear: OK I'm talking with

my colleague, Taro, and recently we've
been negotiating with another company.

We're trying to make a contract together,
so I asked him: Are we going to get the contract?

And Taro he says: Yeah, Justin, I
don't know... It is a low chance. So it

doesn't seem like it's going to go very
well or it's going to happen, so the

chance is very low. Now although this is
okay, it's not too bad, we can use

something a little bit more natural in
this case, and that is... yes that's right.

I don't know... it's a long shot.
So whenever the possibility of success,

the chance of success is low, it's "a long
shot" okay? So for example, imagine I'm

really, really busy and my boss asks me:
Hey, Justin can you finish the report by

tomorrow? And I don't have so much
confidence, I don't think I can do it

tomorrow. The chance of me completing it
by tomorrow is very low. So I say:

Yeah, that's a bit of a long shot. Okay?
Alright everyone, so now pronunciation

it's as you see it here. "Long shot." OK
so nothing special, so please repeat

after me... it's a long shot.
Your turn.

Alright very good.

OK now after my question: What do you
think, are we going to get the contract?

Right. OK, I don't know... it's a long shot.
Alright so please remember this for

your daily conversation and for our
review next week.

OK everyone our bonus question this
week is another way to say: "forever."

If you know what that is, you can leave it
in the comments below. If you don't know

what it is, you can find it in one of our
previous Bizmates for Beginners video

lessons. Alright everyone, so thank you so
much for watching. That is it for me this

week, have a great weekend, I'll see you
next Friday. Thank you.


