“Make headway”の意味と使い方 Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 205

Make headway ってどういう意味?

Make headway は「順調に進む」や「前進する」といういみになります。

ものごとの進捗を知らせる際に、”We are making headway” などと表現します。


Make headway ってどういう場面で使うの?


Justin: How are you doing with your next proposal?
You: I’m making headway!

Justin: 今度の提案書の進捗はどうですか?
You: 順調に進んでますよ!


Make headway の自然な使い方を動画で学ぶ

こちらの動画で、発音や、会話の中での自然な使い方を、Bizmatesのプレゼンター Justinが解説します。


Hello everyone, welcome to this week's
Bizmates for Beginners video lesson.

Thank you so much for tuning in, as
always. Justin here and I am here to

introduce the expression "make headway"
this week. So, if you want to find out

what it means, stay tuned but first let's
do a quick review of last week's

expression. Alright everyone, so imagine
we are at a company soccer game, futsal

game or baseball game, alright? So we are
going to play another company's team. So

the game is about to start,
alright and I ask you: Are you ready to

play? Are you ready to win? And of course
you are feeling really excited, the

adrenaline is pumping in your body, so
what do you say? I'll give you 5 seconds

to respond, OK? You ready? Alright, go!

And time is up! If you said "yes, I'm
pumped" then that's exactly right. Good

job and thank you for remembering the
expression. Alright, everyone so let's

move on to this week's phrase which is
"make headway." Alright so this is what I

sometimes hear, OK so I'm speaking to my
good friend and colleague, Taro, and I say:

Taro, how are you doing with your next
proposal? So we just finished our last

project, we had some R&R so it's time to
think about our next project. So I asked

Taro about his proposal how's it going.
And he says: I'm smoothly progressing.

OK very good.
I'm happy to hear that things are going

well, and although I understand what he
is saying, we can use a more natural

expression which is... that's right.
I'm making headway.

Alright, so whenever you are making a
good progress, whenever

things are going well and you're taking
steps forward, you're "making headway" OK?

For example, I hope all of you are making
headway with your English Studies or I

hope all of you are making headway in
your careers. Okay? Alright so, whenever

things are going well and things are
progressing, going smoothly and things

are going forward, you're making headway.
Alright, everyone? So pronunciation is

very simple this week, nothing special
it's just as you see it written here

"making headway."
Alright, so please repeat after me:

I'm making headway. Your turn.

Alright, very good. Now after my question: how are you

doing with your next proposal?

Very good. Alright, so be sure to remember this and

practice this in your daily conversation
and we'll do a quick review next week, so

make sure you know the expression.
Alright everyone so our bonus question

this week is another way to say: "please
catch the phone." If you know what the

answer is, leave it in the comments below.
If you don't know what the answer is,

don't worry you can find it in our
previous Bizmates for Beginners video

lesson, so check it out and a quick shout
out to all the people that have been

commenting on the video so far, thank you
so much! So that's Alice, that's "Ahaha" -- I'm

sorry I don't really know how to say the
name, but you know who you are and of

course, JP Dynabook. Thank you so much for
your comments. As always, keep them coming

we love reading them. Alright so that is
it for me this week everyone, thank you

so much for watching. As always, enjoy
your weekend and I'll see you next time.

Thank you.


