“Get out of hand”の意味と使い方 Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 199
Get out of hand ってどういう意味?
Get out of hand は「手に負えない」という意味になります。
よく、It’s getting out of hand 「手に負えなくなってきた」などと、状況が悪化していることを表現するために使われます。
Get out of hand ってどういう場面で使うの?
Justin: We have so many tasks recently!
You: Yeah, it’s really getting out of hand.
Justin: 最近やることが多すぎますよね!
You: 本当に手に負えなくなって来ました。
Get out of hand の自然な使い方を動画で学ぶ
こちらの動画で、発音や、会話の中での自然な使い方を、Bizmatesのプレゼンター Justinが解説します。
Hello everyone! Great to see you again
and welcome to this week's video lesson
for Bizmates for Beginners. This week
everyone we are going to learn the
expression "get out of hand." So let's find
out how to use it and what it means but
first as always, let's do a quick review
of last week's expression. Alright
everyone, so imagine I ask you:
Will you apply for the overseas director post?
Now although you really want to apply for
the position, you feel that right now you
don't have the necessary skills or
qualifications. So, what do you say
everyone? How do you respond? I'll give
you five seconds, okay? You ready?
Alright go for it!
And time is up.
If you said "No. It's out of my league"
then that's exactly right and thank you
for remembering last week's expression
but remember with the right amount to
practice, dedication and passion, nothing
is "out of your league" right? Alright so
moving on to this week's expression
"get out of hand." This is what I sometimes hear...
Alright so I'm talking to my
colleague, Taro and I say: Taro. Man, we
have so many tasks recently. And he
agrees, so he says yes: It's difficult to
keep control.
OK I completely agree. When you have so many
things to do, it's hard to keep track of
everything. Alright now, although this expression is
OK, we can use something a little bit
more interesting and that is...
Yeah, it's really getting out of hand.
Alright so when something is kind of
crazy -- so crazy you can't control it -- it's
getting out of hand.
Alright so for example, imagine you
have 20 3-year olds and they're running
all over the place on the playground, you
can imagine it's really difficult to
keep control of all of these kids, right?
It's really crazy and it's really hard
to control them. So, the situation is
"getting out of hand" or you can even use
it in a different situation. For example
if it's raining really, really heavily,
it's so crazy, you can say "Man, the rain
is really getting out of hand." Okay?
Alright everyone so the pronunciation
is a very simple, it's as you see it here
however, when you say "out of" very quickly,
it'll sound like "outta" alright?
So when a native speaker is saying this
expression quickly, it'll sound like this...
gettin' outta hand, okay?
Gettin' outta hand. So we'll drop the
G here and we'll combine "out" and "of" so
it's gettin' outta hand, okay everyone?
Alright so please repeat after me.
Getting out of hand. Your turn.
Exactly right. Alright now after my sentence here:
Man, we have so many tasks recently.
Yeah, it's getting out of hand, okay? Alright perfect! So please remember this
for next time. Alright so moving on to
our bonus question this week, which is
another way to say: Yes, I am alright. If
you know the answer, leave it in the
comments below; you can find the answer
in one of our previous Bizmates for
Beginners video lessons, okay? Alright
everyone that is it for me this week,
thank you so much for watching the video,
have a great weekend and I'll see you
next time. Thank you.
and welcome to this week's video lesson
for Bizmates for Beginners. This week
everyone we are going to learn the
expression "get out of hand." So let's find
out how to use it and what it means but
first as always, let's do a quick review
of last week's expression. Alright
everyone, so imagine I ask you:
Will you apply for the overseas director post?
Now although you really want to apply for
the position, you feel that right now you
don't have the necessary skills or
qualifications. So, what do you say
everyone? How do you respond? I'll give
you five seconds, okay? You ready?
Alright go for it!
And time is up.
If you said "No. It's out of my league"
then that's exactly right and thank you
for remembering last week's expression
but remember with the right amount to
practice, dedication and passion, nothing
is "out of your league" right? Alright so
moving on to this week's expression
"get out of hand." This is what I sometimes hear...
Alright so I'm talking to my
colleague, Taro and I say: Taro. Man, we
have so many tasks recently. And he
agrees, so he says yes: It's difficult to
keep control.
OK I completely agree. When you have so many
things to do, it's hard to keep track of
everything. Alright now, although this expression is
OK, we can use something a little bit
more interesting and that is...
Yeah, it's really getting out of hand.
Alright so when something is kind of
crazy -- so crazy you can't control it -- it's
getting out of hand.
Alright so for example, imagine you
have 20 3-year olds and they're running
all over the place on the playground, you
can imagine it's really difficult to
keep control of all of these kids, right?
It's really crazy and it's really hard
to control them. So, the situation is
"getting out of hand" or you can even use
it in a different situation. For example
if it's raining really, really heavily,
it's so crazy, you can say "Man, the rain
is really getting out of hand." Okay?
Alright everyone so the pronunciation
is a very simple, it's as you see it here
however, when you say "out of" very quickly,
it'll sound like "outta" alright?
So when a native speaker is saying this
expression quickly, it'll sound like this...
gettin' outta hand, okay?
Gettin' outta hand. So we'll drop the
G here and we'll combine "out" and "of" so
it's gettin' outta hand, okay everyone?
Alright so please repeat after me.
Getting out of hand. Your turn.
Exactly right. Alright now after my sentence here:
Man, we have so many tasks recently.
Yeah, it's getting out of hand, okay? Alright perfect! So please remember this
for next time. Alright so moving on to
our bonus question this week, which is
another way to say: Yes, I am alright. If
you know the answer, leave it in the
comments below; you can find the answer
in one of our previous Bizmates for
Beginners video lessons, okay? Alright
everyone that is it for me this week,
thank you so much for watching the video,
have a great weekend and I'll see you
next time. Thank you.