“Up in arms”の意味と使い方 Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 186
Up in arms ってどういう意味?
Up in arms は「憤慨する」や「いきり立つ」という意味になります。特に、社員や民衆などの集団が持つ、今にも暴動が起きそうなほどの強い怒りのことを指します。
Up in arms ってどういう場面で使うの?
A: Did you see the announcement? We’re not going to get bonuses this year.
B: Yes, I was shocked. Everyone is up in arms.
A: 今朝の発表を見ましたか?今年はボーナスカットですって。
B: はい、ショックでした。みんな憤慨していますよ。
Up in arms の自然な使い方を動画で学ぶ
こちらの動画で、発音や、会話の中での自然な使い方を、Bizmatesのプレゼンター Justinが解説します。
Hello everyone and welcome to this
week's Bizmates for beginners video leeson.
Alright this week everyone, we are
going to learn the expression
"up in arms."
So how do we use it? Let's find out but
first let's do a quick review to make
sure all of you can use and remember
last week's expression. OK, so imagine I
ask you:
Do your parents use social media?
Now let's imagine that your parents
don't feel comfortable using new
technology, so how do you respond?
You've got five seconds, okay? Go.
Alright, time is up if you said
"no, they're a bit
behind the times" then you got it. Nice
job and thanks for remembering last week's class.
OK everyone, so moving on to
"up in arms." Now this is what I sometimes hear:
OK I'm talking to my good friend
and colleague, Taro, and I just received
some bad news -- some upsetting news, okay?
So I say: Taro, you know the boss said we
won't get bonuses this year. Is everyone okay?
Taro, he says: No. Yeah, everyone is very angry.
And yes, I can understand.
Everyone always looks forward to bonus
season, so if there's no bonuses this
year, I'm sure everyone will be very
angry, very upset. Now although this
English is fine, if you want to spice up
your English, if you want to give it a
little bit more punch, then you can say...
That's right
"No. Everyone is up in arms."
So if you are really upset if you're
really angry about something, you are up
in arms, okay? So imagine you're
company says "alright this year, there's
no cool biz." Even if it's really, really
hot outside, everyone must wear a tie,
must wear a jacket, okay? Now I'm sure
many people don't feel very happy about
this decision, so everyone would be up in
arms, okay? Alright, so pronunciation is
very simple -- very easy -- it's just as you
see it here. So please repeat after me.
Alright, everyone is up in arms. Your turn.
Exactly, right. OK, now after my sentence:
The boss said we won't get bonuses this year.
Is everyone okay?
Exactly right.
OK, so how would you feel if you
were in this situation? Would you be up
in arms? Alright so please remember this
for next week, okay everyone? So our bonus
question is another way to say: "Cost much money."
If you know the answer, leave it in
the comments below, don't be shy. But if
you don't know the answer, you can find
it in one of our previous Bizmates for
beginners video lessons, so check it out.
Alright everyone, that is it for me this
week, thank you so much for watching.
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone next
time have a great one and take care.
week's Bizmates for beginners video leeson.
Alright this week everyone, we are
going to learn the expression
"up in arms."
So how do we use it? Let's find out but
first let's do a quick review to make
sure all of you can use and remember
last week's expression. OK, so imagine I
ask you:
Do your parents use social media?
Now let's imagine that your parents
don't feel comfortable using new
technology, so how do you respond?
You've got five seconds, okay? Go.
Alright, time is up if you said
"no, they're a bit
behind the times" then you got it. Nice
job and thanks for remembering last week's class.
OK everyone, so moving on to
"up in arms." Now this is what I sometimes hear:
OK I'm talking to my good friend
and colleague, Taro, and I just received
some bad news -- some upsetting news, okay?
So I say: Taro, you know the boss said we
won't get bonuses this year. Is everyone okay?
Taro, he says: No. Yeah, everyone is very angry.
And yes, I can understand.
Everyone always looks forward to bonus
season, so if there's no bonuses this
year, I'm sure everyone will be very
angry, very upset. Now although this
English is fine, if you want to spice up
your English, if you want to give it a
little bit more punch, then you can say...
That's right
"No. Everyone is up in arms."
So if you are really upset if you're
really angry about something, you are up
in arms, okay? So imagine you're
company says "alright this year, there's
no cool biz." Even if it's really, really
hot outside, everyone must wear a tie,
must wear a jacket, okay? Now I'm sure
many people don't feel very happy about
this decision, so everyone would be up in
arms, okay? Alright, so pronunciation is
very simple -- very easy -- it's just as you
see it here. So please repeat after me.
Alright, everyone is up in arms. Your turn.
Exactly, right. OK, now after my sentence:
The boss said we won't get bonuses this year.
Is everyone okay?
Exactly right.
OK, so how would you feel if you
were in this situation? Would you be up
in arms? Alright so please remember this
for next week, okay everyone? So our bonus
question is another way to say: "Cost much money."
If you know the answer, leave it in
the comments below, don't be shy. But if
you don't know the answer, you can find
it in one of our previous Bizmates for
beginners video lessons, so check it out.
Alright everyone, that is it for me this
week, thank you so much for watching.
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone next
time have a great one and take care.