Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 144 ”a.k.a.”

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第144弾は、”a.k.a.” です。


“Taro, who’s the new guy?”
「タロウ、あの新しい人は誰?」 ヒカはタロウに聞きました。

「斉藤さんだよ。別名 “コスト削減の達人” なんだって。」


“Yeah, that’s Saito-san. I heard that his nickname is super cost cutter.”


“Oh, that’s Saito-san, a.k.a. super cost cutter.”


※ a.k.a.⇒Also Known As「別名」「またの名を」


Hello, everyone and welcome to this
Bizmates for beginners video series

and today's word is "a.k.a."

OK, it's A-K-A, not aka OK? Not aka.
Although it is red... it's a joke...

OK, but it's pronounced A-K-A.
OK, let's find out what this means

but first let's do our test.
OK, so I ask you:

Do you need help with your English report?
I can help you.

And you say...

Yes, it's my Achilles' heel.
Writing in Anglish is my Achilles' heel.

It's my weakness. I hope you got that.
OK, let's go on to today's word "a.k.a."

Now here's what I sometimes hear --
OK, so let's imagine there's a new person

in our company. And I say:
Taro, who's the new guy?

Who's that guy?
And Taro says:

Yeah, that's Saito-san. I heard that his nickname
is super cost cutter.

I see. So he's a new director, a new manager
and everyone is saying he's super cost cutter.

So he will cut lots of cost.
It's very scary. OK, this is okay

his nickname is super cost cutter.
But a natural way to say "his nickname is..."

is like this...
So I say: Who's the new guy?

Who's that guy?
And Taro says:

Oh, that's Saito-san, a.k.a.
super cost cutter.

Oh I see.
Very natural.

A.k.a. means
also known as...

his nickname is... his alias is...
super cost cutter.

OK? Also known as...
It's like "his nickname is..."

OK? Just a short way to say it.
So that's Saito-san, a.k.a. super cost cutter.

OK, so if you have a nickname,
you could say

you know, I'm Hika, a.k.a... I don't know,
tiger or whatever.

You know, "I'm Takahiro, a.k.a Taka"
is OK too. My nickname is...

OK, let's look at pronunciation, it's...

That's Saito-san -- with a pause --
a.k.a. super cost cutter.

That's Saito-san, a.k.a.. super cost cutter.
You try...

Good. OK, with my question:
Who's the new guy?

Oh, I see. OK, we have to be careful.
OK, like this.

OK, so for homework next time I
will ask you:

Who's the new guy?
And you say...

That's Saito-san, a.k.a. super cost cutter.

Please remember this and
we'll see you next time. Thank you.


