Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 138 ”a household name”

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第138弾は、”a household name” です。


“Taro, is this a famous brand in Japan?”


“Yes, everyone knows this in Japan. ”


“Yes it’s a household name in Japan.”


※household name(どこの家庭でも通じる名前、誰でもよく知っている名前)


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for
beginners video series

and today's idiom is
a household name.

What does this mean?
We will find out but first let's do our test.

So I'm very sad. I say:
I couldn't achieve my sales target.

And you say... That's right.
Don't worry. You have a fresh start.

Very positive. OK let's go on to today's idiom
a household name.

OK this is a special name.
What does this mean?

Here's what I sometimes hear --
So I see this brand,

A Japanese brand, and I say:
I don't know this brand.

Taro, is this a famous brand in Japan?
And Taro says:

Yes, everyone knows this in Japan.

OK, this sentence is okay. You know,
everyone knows this brand or this name

in Japan. It's ok. But a very natural way to
say this is like this --

OK, so I say:
Taro, is this brand famous in Japan?

And he says:
Yes it's a household name in Japan.

Very natural! A household name.
Everyone knows. Anyone in Japan

knows this name. You know, like very
famous brands like Bizmates.

It's household name. Everyone knows.
OK so let's look at pronunciation. So it's

Yes, -- with a pause --
it'sa household nam'in Japan... nam'in Japan.

Yes, it'sa household nam'in Japan.
OK you try.

OK with my question:
Is this a famous brand in Japan?

Oh, I didn't know. Perfect.

OK so for homework next time,
I'll ask you:

Is this a famous brand in Japan?
And you say...

That's right. Please remember this
and we'll see you next time.


