Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 132”an all-time high”

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第132弾は、”an all-time high” です。

ヒカは、自分の会社のP&L(profit and loss/利益と損益)を見て

“Wow, our sales this month are very high.”


“Yes, they are the best. ”


“Yes, they’re an all-time high.”



Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for
beginners video series

and today's idiom is
an all-time high

All-time high. What does this mean?

We will find out but first let's do our test.

So imagine you and I are colleagues and I say:
Kenji is on another smoke break.

He's smoking again. He never works.
And you say:

Yeah, he's such a slacker.

Very good. I hope you got that.
A lazy person is a slacker, all right?

OK, so let's go on to today's
idiom "an all-time high."

OK here's what I sometimes hear. So let's
imagine Taro and I, we are colleagues,

and I say:
Wow... I'm looking at the P&L, profit and loss --

Wow, our sales this month are very high.
And Taro says:

Yes, they are the best.

OK, so the "best." Does Taro mean the best this year?
Or does he mean the best in...

out of all the other products?
Or does he mean the best in the industry?

The best in our history?
I don't know what he means.

So It's a little bit confusing if he says
Yes, they are the best.

Now, if Taro wants to say
They are the best in our history of the company

then he can say this...

So if I say:
Wow, our sales this month are very high.

And he says:
Yes, they're an all-time high.

Very natural. It means our sales are the
highest in the history of our company.

The highest ever.
They're an all-time high.

OK? A very natural way to say this.
Let's look at pronunciation, it's

Yes, they're an...
they're an all...

Yes, they're an all-time high.
Yes, they're an all-time high.

OK, by the way we can use this
for many things

My cholesterol is an all-time high.

You know, is OK. It could be used anything
with numbers. The highest in its history.

OK, they're an all-time high. OK, let's try
it with my sentence:

Wow, our sales this month are very high.

That's amazing.
Perfect. OK so for homework next time I will say:

Wow, our sales this month are very high.
And you just say:

Yes, they're an all-time high.

OK, please remember this and we will see
you next time. Thank you.


