Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 112 ”tedious work”

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第112弾は、”tedious work” です。


ヒカの同僚 タロウは日本語はもちろん、英語も堪能です。

“Yeah this work is boring and takes a long time.”

“It’s tedious work.”


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for
beginners video series and today's word

is "tedious." Tedious work. What kind of work is tedious work? Happy work? good work?

easy work? We will find out but first
let's do our test. so I imagine we are

colleagues and I ask you "Why is Taka
always so tired? He's always sleepy."

And you say... that's right! I think he's moonlighting. I think he has another job.

OK, I hope you got that. OK let's go on to
today's word "tedious" work. OK here's

what I sometimes hear. So let's imagine Taro can speak Japanese and English. Both his

Japanese and English are very good. So
and I say: Taro, I've heard you're

translating our website from Japanese to
English. Wow that must be exciting!

Translating the entire website from
Japanese to English. And Taro says: Yeah

this work is boring and takes a long

OK. Boring and takes a long time.

Actually this sentence is perfect. "This
work is boring and takes a long time" but

a short way to say this, a natural way to
say this, is like this -- I say: So Taro I heard you're

translating our website. Wow it must be
exciting! And he says:

It's tedious work. Oh really? So it's boring and it takes a long time. I see.

Very natural. It's tedious work. So work that's boring, it takes a long time... I don't know

like data input. Inputting data or just
things that take a long time and you

have to do is just not exciting, we say
it's tedious work. OK, so let's

look at pronunciation, it's tedious work
tee-dee-yus work. You try... Good!

OK with my sentence: I've heard you're
translating our website... Oh I see. OK for homework

next time I will say "I've heard you're
translating our website." And you say...

This is tedious work or it's tedious work.
Please remember this and we will see you

next time. Thank you.


