Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話Point 107 ”Can’t complain.”

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第107弾は、”Can’t complain.” です。


“How’re you doing?”「元気?」と聞きました。

“I’m fine,thank you.And you?”「元気です。あなたは?」

“Can’t complain.How about you?” 「文句ないね。ヒカは?」


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates

for beginners video series and today's

phrase is "Can't complain." Okay

complain.. can't. Can't complain. What does this mean? We will find out

but first let's do our test okay

so we're colleagues and I ask you: Hey have you finished the report?

Is it finished, not yet? And you say:

Just about done.

Very natural I hope you got that

okay let's go on to today's phrase

Can't complain. Okay so

a common question that we ask

our colleagues is this: How are you doing? How's it going?

How are you? "How are you?" is a little
formal, but "How are you doing?"

and many people say:

I'm fine thank you, and you? Kind of a,

you know, it's "textbook" English -- I'm
fine thank you and you?

You know... but in the real world
we don't use this so often

I'm fine thank you and you? Okay so

a more natural way to answer this

is like this: How are you doing?"

We say: Can't complain. How about you?

Very natural. Can't complain.

It means like "not too bad." Pretty good

Okay, I have nothing to complain about.
That's a very natural answer

okay so let's try pronunciation. it's

"Can'(t) complain... it's not CAN'T


Good with my question: How are you doing?

Yeah, pretty good. Thanks.

Perfect. Okay so for homework

I will ask you: how are you doing? And you say...

Can't complain. How about you?

Just like that. Please remember this and
we will see you

next time. Thank you.


