Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 105 ”I’m on my way.”

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第105弾は、”I’m on my way.” です。


“Where are you?”「どこにいる?」とタロウに聞きました。

“I’m on the Marunouchi Line. Next station is Otemachi. Please wait 5 minutes.”「丸の内線で、次大手町駅だよ。5分待ってください。」

“I’m on my way. Give me 5 minutes.” 「向かっているところ。あと5分だよ。」


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for

video series and today phrase

is "I'm on my way."

On my way. What does this mean? We will
find out

but first let's do our test. Okay

so I'll let's imagine I just checked

report in English so I checked it okay
looks good

here I finish checking your report. What do you say?

Not "thank you" three times.

I can't thank you enough. That's right. Did you get that?

okay good. Let's go on to today's phrase

I'm on my way. Okay let's imagine

this is a telephone conversation okay

and I asked Taro, you know,

we're supposed to meet somewhere. Okay let's say at

I Awajicho station we have to meet

Awajicho station and I'm
waiting... where is Taro

so I call Taro. And I say: Taro, where are you?

and he says: I'm

on the Marunouchi Line. Next

station is Otemachi.

Please wait five minutes. So Taro's in a

okay and he's giving me all this

I don't need that information. On Marunouchi Line, next station is Otemachi

please wait five minutes

So, a shorter and more natural way

to say this is like this, so I say: Taro, where are you?

where are you now? And he says: Yeah I'm on my way.

Give me five minutes. That's all. Very short

okay I'm going there now

so please wait five minutes. Very short

because you don't want to talk so much
when you're on the train,

right? So let's look at pronunciation

it's "I'mon... I'mon my way

gi'me... gi'me five minutes. I'm on my way. Gi'me five minutes.

not GIVE me, but gi'me... I'm on my way.

Give me five minutes. You try... Perfect.
Okay with my sentence:

So where are you?... Okay hurry up.

Okay perfect, like that. Okay so next time

I'm going to call you and I'm gonna say "Where are you?"

And you say... That's right.

I'm on my way. Give me five minutes. Please remember this

and we will see you next time. Thank you.


