【英語学習者向け 英文法10分聞き流しでマスター 】「動名詞 (動詞ing)」Bizmates Grammar 36

動名詞 (動詞ing) の構文に自信がない方のための苦手克服動画です。
動名詞 (動詞ing) が使われる 73の文章が音声付きで流れてきます。

(Bizmates Program Level 1 Rank A Lesson 12 で学ぶ内容と連動したインプット用動画コンテンツです)

▼ この動画の見方 ▼



① 文章の音声を聞いて、
② 音声と同じ発音と発話スピードで言えるようになるまで声に出して(小声でもOK)リピート!
③ 全てつっかえずに一息で言えるようになるまで1日1回のペースで続ける


I need to keep working.
He practices speaking English every day.
Paul wants to go hiking on weekends.
She recommends writing the proposal soon.
Kim likes exploring new places.
I prefer cooking to dining out.
I avoid going near that neighborhood.
Do you mind waiting for a few minutes?
I enjoy hanging out with my friends.
I'm busy reorganizing my files.
We need to start planning for next year.
Stop making fun of me.
We recommend purchasing in bulk.
I like writing movie reviews.
I need to start losing weight.
We need to start thinking about hiring.
I recommend talking with the director.
He needs to stop smoking.
We want the company to keep growing.
I recommend staying at this hotel.
I can't help worrying about the meeting.
We can continue discussing later.
Don't avoid talking to her.
We want to consider moving our offices.
We encourage working from home.
Imagine living in Scandinavia.
I recommend living in Fukuoka.
Do you mind waiting here?
I remember telling you about it.
Don't you need to start saving?
He needs to start working out.
We'd like to consider changing our work rules.
This job involves traveling around a lot.
Paul doesn't mind going on business trips.
I need to start working on my report.
We need to start having leadership training.
Russel practices writing in Japanese.
I miss visiting my relatives.
Try making a to-do list.
I recommend updating your software.
She likes biking to work.
We have to keep looking for evidence.
I enjoy watching documentary films.
The door keeps slamming shut.
This project involves communicating frequently.
We need to stop wasting paper.
The hotel recommends traveling in groups.
I practice playing the violin every day.
I suggest having dinner together.
We keep running into each other.
The company encourages taking paid leaves.
I sometimes can't help being emotional.
My kids enjoy going to amusement parks.
We need to start drafting the agreement.
I don't recall logging in so late at night.
HR needs to start announcing the changes.
Marketing suggests advertising online.
Emi likes programming.
Stop messaging everyone at night.
He needs to start mentoring the trainees.
We have to keep checking for bugs.
I need to practice speaking more clearly.
I like drinking tea before bed.
We try to avoid having long meetings.
I want to go skiing this holiday.
We need to start reducing costs.
We need to keep innovating.
Our boss suggests working together.
Let's start cleaning up.
Try to avoid working overtime.
We need to start thinking of a new strategy.
We can't keep losing clients.
We like talking with each other.


