“Out of this world”の意味と使い方 Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 212

Out of this worldってどういう意味?

Out of this world は「この世のものとは思えない」という意味になります。何かがあまりにもすごくて、”great”や”amazing”などの言葉だけでは言い表せないくらいに良かった時に使います。


Out of this world ってどういう場面で使うの?


Justin: How was the restaurant?
You: It was out of this world!

Justin: レストランはどうでしたか?
You: もうこの世のものとは思えないほどよかったです!


Out of this world の自然な使い方を動画で学ぶ

こちらの動画で、発音や、会話の中での自然な使い方を、Bizmatesのプレゼンター Justinが解説します。


Hello everyone and welcome to this
week's Bizmates for Beginners. Today

everyone we are going to learn the
expression "out of this world." So stay

tuned to find out what it means and how
to use it, but before we get into that, do

you remember last week's expression?
Hopefully you do because we are going to

do a quick review. So everyone,
imagine I asked you: Did you

see the new smart phone? And of course
you saw it and it is very advanced. Okay

it's cutting-edge technology, and it's
much more powerful and efficient than

the previous model. So how do you say
that using the expression we learned

from last week? I'll give you five
seconds, OK? Are you ready?

Alright go!

OK and time is up. If you
said "Yeah, it's souped up" then that's

exactly right. Good job and thank you for
remembering the expression. OK everyone

moving on to "out of this world." Now this
is what I sometimes hear -- OK I'm

talking to Taro, my colleague, and last
night Taro and his really important

business client went out for dinner, and
they went to one of the best restaurants

in Tokyo. It's really luxurious and
probably really expensive. So I asked

Taro: Hey, Taro. So, how was the restaurant
last night? I hear it's an amazing

restaurant? And he says:
Yeah it was great!

OK, so yes this is fine -- "it was great!"

Yeah it's a pretty common expression, but
it's not really exciting right? It's a

little bit boring. Maybe we can use
something a little bit more interesting

to show just how great the restaurant
was, and in this case he can say...

Yes, was out of this world.
Okay? So whenever something is

amazing, it's fantastic and great, just
doesn't do it justice. Saying "great" just

doesn't really express the feeling
enough, you can say it was out of this

world, okay? So for example, this soup...
oh my goodness, you have to try this soup.

It is out of this world. Okay?
Alright so please remember this

and please use it for your daily
conversation, alright? Out of this world.

Now in terms of pronunciation, it's very
simple, but one small point this week.

When we say "out of" very quickly, it
becomes "outta" okay?

It's outta this world.
Alright so please repeat after me:

It's out of this world.
Your turn.

Exactly right. OK good, now after my
question: How was the restaurant?

Very good. It was out of this world. Okay?
Alright, so everyone so please remember

this for the review which we will have
next week. OK so our bonus question

this week everyone is another way to say:
"research the price of other companies."

This is pretty long, so if you know a
better way to say this, then you can

leave it in the comments below. If you
don't know what the answer is, it is in

one of our previous Bizmates for
Beginners video lessons.

So you can find the answer there. And
before we finish today, just a quick

shout out to Toshi, one of our most loyal
viewers, thank you so much for always

watching and supporting the channel,
Toshi. Alright and keep those comments

coming, okay everyone? We always look
forward to receiving those comments.

OK so that is it for me today, thank you so
much for watching everyone. Enjoy your

weekend and I look forward to seeing
you next time. Thank you.


