“Corn dog”の意味と使い方 Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 207
Corn dog ってどういう意味?
Corn dog はコンビニなどでよく売られている「アメリカンドッグ」のことです。「アメリカンドッグ」は和製英語、と言うより、おそらくマーケティングの都合上、日本で初めて販売された際にわかりやすい商品名として名付けられ「アメリカンドッグ」と名付けられ、そのまま名前が日本で定着したのではないでしょうか。
ソーセージを覆っている部分がトウモロコシでできているため、Corn dog と呼ばれます。
Corn dog ってどういう場面で使うの?
I feel like having a corn dog.
On the house の自然な使い方を動画で学ぶ
こちらの動画で、発音や、会話の中での自然な使い方を、Bizmatesのプレゼンター Justinが解説します。
Hello everyone, my name is Justin, your
host for Bizmates for Beginners. And this
week everyone we are going to learn the
expression "corn dog." So what's a corn dog?
Let's find out in our video today, but
first as always, let's do a quick review
to make sure you remember last week's
expression. Alright everyone, so imagine I
asked you: Do we need to pay for refills?
OK, but refills are free -- they're free
of charge, we don't have to pay anything.
So how do you say that in a natural way?
I'll give you five seconds, OK?
You ready? Go!
And time is up
if you said "Nope, refills are on the
house" then that's exactly right, good job
everyone and thank you for remembering
last week's expression
OK so moving on to
"corn dog." Now this is what I sometimes hear
OK, it's lunchtime, I'm out with
Taro, we're at the convenience store and
we're looking for something to eat. So I say:
Hey, Taro! So what are you going to
get for lunch today?
And Taro, he says:
Hmm, you know Justin I think I really want to eat an American dog.
An American dog? You
mean this American dog? Alright, now so
of course this expression might not be
easily understood by people who come
from other countries such as Canada or
America, okay? We don't say "I want to eat
an American dog." No. Instead, that's right,
you should say: I really want to eat a
corn dog. Okay? They're called "corn dogs"
not American dogs, okay? So why is it
called a corn dog? So the outside part of
the corn dog is made from corn flour,
alright? So not the regular flour, it's made
from corn flour and that's why it's
called a corn dog, alright? So we don't
call them American dogs.
Although I love American dogs,
all dogs, but if I want to eat a dog it
would be a "corn dog" okay everyone?
Alright so pronunciation is very simple
nothing special this week, it's as you
see it here. So please repeat after me:
I really want to eat a corn dog.
Your turn.
Alright good job. Alright now after my question:
What are you going to get for lunch?
OK very good! Alright so remember
this for next time. Our bonus question
this week everyone is another way to say:
"many products." If you know the answer,
leave it in the comments below; if you
want to find out what the answer is, it's
in one of our previous Bizmates for
Beginners video lessons so check it out
if you have the time. And that is it for
me this week everyone, thank you so much
for watching. Have a great weekend and
I'll see you next Friday. Thank you.
host for Bizmates for Beginners. And this
week everyone we are going to learn the
expression "corn dog." So what's a corn dog?
Let's find out in our video today, but
first as always, let's do a quick review
to make sure you remember last week's
expression. Alright everyone, so imagine I
asked you: Do we need to pay for refills?
OK, but refills are free -- they're free
of charge, we don't have to pay anything.
So how do you say that in a natural way?
I'll give you five seconds, OK?
You ready? Go!
And time is up
if you said "Nope, refills are on the
house" then that's exactly right, good job
everyone and thank you for remembering
last week's expression
OK so moving on to
"corn dog." Now this is what I sometimes hear
OK, it's lunchtime, I'm out with
Taro, we're at the convenience store and
we're looking for something to eat. So I say:
Hey, Taro! So what are you going to
get for lunch today?
And Taro, he says:
Hmm, you know Justin I think I really want to eat an American dog.
An American dog? You
mean this American dog? Alright, now so
of course this expression might not be
easily understood by people who come
from other countries such as Canada or
America, okay? We don't say "I want to eat
an American dog." No. Instead, that's right,
you should say: I really want to eat a
corn dog. Okay? They're called "corn dogs"
not American dogs, okay? So why is it
called a corn dog? So the outside part of
the corn dog is made from corn flour,
alright? So not the regular flour, it's made
from corn flour and that's why it's
called a corn dog, alright? So we don't
call them American dogs.
Although I love American dogs,
all dogs, but if I want to eat a dog it
would be a "corn dog" okay everyone?
Alright so pronunciation is very simple
nothing special this week, it's as you
see it here. So please repeat after me:
I really want to eat a corn dog.
Your turn.
Alright good job. Alright now after my question:
What are you going to get for lunch?
OK very good! Alright so remember
this for next time. Our bonus question
this week everyone is another way to say:
"many products." If you know the answer,
leave it in the comments below; if you
want to find out what the answer is, it's
in one of our previous Bizmates for
Beginners video lessons so check it out
if you have the time. And that is it for
me this week everyone, thank you so much
for watching. Have a great weekend and
I'll see you next Friday. Thank you.