“Out of my league”の意味と使い方 Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 198
Out of my league ってどういう意味?
Out of my league は、日本語で言う「高嶺の花」に近い意味になり、アメリカの野球文化から生まれた表現です。
メジャー、AAA、AAといった具合に選手達の実力によって複数リーグに分かれていますが、自分の実力が及ばない上のリーグのことを話す時に”Out of my league”という表現を使います。
Out of my league ってどういう場面で使うの?
Justin: Are you going to apply for the overseas director post?
You: No, it’s out of my league.
Justin: 海外拠点の部長職に応募するんですか?
You: いいえ、私にとっては高嶺の花です。
たとえば恋愛の話題の中で、あまりに美人・あまりにかっこいい異性に引けを感じて、自分からアプローチする自信がない時、”He/She is out of my league”と表現します。
Out of my league の自然な使い方を動画で学ぶ
こちらの動画で、発音や、会話の中での自然な使い方を、Bizmatesのプレゼンター Justinが解説します。
week's Bizmates for Beginners. This week
everyone, we are going to learn the
expression "out of my league." It's a good
one so let's find out what it means and
how to use it, but first as always let's
do a quick review of last week's class.
Alright everyone, so we just finished a
really long and tough day at the office
and I want to go out somewhere and relax.
So I asked you "Hey, do you want to grab a cold one?" Now unfortunately, you still
have a lot of things to do. You need to
concentrate and finish your work, so what
do you say? You've got five seconds alright everyone? Are you ready? OK, go!
Alright, and time is up if you said "sorry I
need to buckle down" then that's exactly
right. Thank you very much for
remembering last week's class and try to
use this in your daily conversation. Alright so moving on to "out of my league."
Now this is what I sometimes hear -- alright so I'm talking to Taro, my good
friend and colleague, and Taro I think is
a really smart and really capable guy. So
just recently there was a new position
that opened up overseas, so I asked him:
Hey, Taro. Will you apply for the overseas
director post? So Taro said he always
wants to work overseas and he always
wants to be a manager overseas, but Taro
he doesn't think he has enough ability
or he doesn't think he has the right
skills, so he said: Yeah, no! It's over my
ability. OK so I understand. Taro thinks
maybe he doesn't have enough, maybe
management experience or he doesn't feel
he has the confidence to work in another
country as a manager, so he says "it's
over my ability." Now this is OK, I
understand what he wants to say, but a
little bit more natural... that's right, he
can say "No! it's out of my
league." OK, so whenever you feel
something is a little bit beyond you,
it's a little bit too challenging, it's a
little bit too difficult for your
current level, then it is "out of your
league" OK everyone?
Alright so for example, if you just
started working at a company, yeah being
a manager might be a little bit out of
your league or if you really enjoy, let's
say, playing basketball, you're an amateur
can you play in the professional NBA?
Maybe not, so that is out of your league
okay? Alright now pronunciation is very
simple, it's as you see it here. However
when we say "out of" very quickly
it sounds like "outta" okay? So it's
outta my league.
Alright so please repeat after me:
Out of my league. Your turn.
Alright that's exactly right. OK now after my question:
Will you apply for the overseas director
Alright good. OK, but who knows
I'm sure one day Taro will get there.
Alright everyone so please remember
this for next time okay? OK so moving
on to our bonus question this week and
it is another way to say: "many products."
So if you have an idea of what this is
leave it in the comments below, everyone.
If you don't know, but you want to find
out, you can find it in one of our
previous Bizmates for Beginners video
lessons. Alright everyone and that is it for me
this week. Thank you very much for
watching, as always, have a great weekend
and I'll see you next time. Thank you.