Tip 163 ”drop the ball” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第163弾は、”drop the ball” です。


“I’m going to take my promotion test.”

“Don’t make a mistake.”「ミスするなよ!!。」

“Don’t drop the ball.” 「失敗しないようにね!」


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates
words and phrases video series and

today's idiom is drop the ball. OK, it's not a soccer ball. It's not a baseball. Actually

the origin is a football.Like American
football. What does this mean? We will

find out, but first let's do our test. OK
so imagine we are talking about a colleague

who passed away or died.

OK so I say I can't believe he passed
away. He was so young. And you say, you

shouldn't take life for granted.

OK just the right phrase, at the right
time. You shouldn't take life for granted. I

hope you got that. OK let's go on to
today's idiom, drop the ball. OK let's

imagine that Taro and I are colleagues
and I'm going to take my promotion test.

OK so I'm going to become a manager or
senior manager. So I say to Taro I'm

going to take my promotion test and a
little bit nervous. And Taro says don't

make a mistake. What? OK. Don't make a mistake. Now Taro is you know he's trying to say good

luck. You know. Don't make a mistake like a joke but it's very natural to say that.

Don't make a mistake.

OK in this case. In English we would say
this. So if I say I'm going to take my

promotion test. I'm a little nervous.And as
kind of a joke or encouragement we say

don't drop the ball.

Like, you know like, football. American I
don't know if you play American football,

but if you drop the ball, it's no good.

The play stops. Actually it doesn't stop but it's the other team can take the ball.

Don't drop the ball. It's like don't make a
mistake. So if you make a mistake, you

could say, oh no I dropped the ball.

Usually a big mistake. OK so don't drop
the ball.

It kind of means don't make a mistake or
good luck. OK. All right, so let's look at

pronunciation. It's not don't but it's don't drop the ball. Don't drop the ball. Don't drop

the ball. You try. Good. OK. With my sentence. Hey I'm going to take my promotion test. Don't

worry I won't. I'm prepared. Perfect. OK so
for homework, next time I'm going to say hey

I'm going to take my promotion test and
you say, perfect. Please remember this and

we'll see you next time. Thank you.

So for homework, next time that I see you,
I'm gonna say, hey good morning.

I won't call you Taro, just hey good morning.
And you say, good morning Hika. After you. OK.

All right. So we'll see you in the next lesson.
Thank you.


